Thirr Valley Section




Checked out: 



This release file contains the new exterior claims, covering part of Aanthirin and much of Thirr Valley.

Section discussion thread


This is the file where dialogue, quests, and claims for Thirr Valley should be merged. Do not edit this file without also loading TR_Update.esp, and do not merge other esps into it without also loading TR_Update.esm! See: Editing guidelines No dialogue in the file yet!
Always use the newest Tamriel Data from the TD_Addon GitHub with release files.

Development Plan

Relevant queues: AanthirinLake AndaramThirr ValleyThirr Conflict

Last updated: 2023-02-05
Assets: Region sounds, more lotus variants with longer stems, dreugh citadel set, OW medium shroom and Ovary tree variants, Peddler's Buoy.
Exteriors: Ud Hleryn is merged but still needs a review. TV will need some exterior coordination work to iron out the section, e.g riverbed, cliffs, northeastern parts. Northern OW cells need the new shelf fungus added, and all OW will need the rest of the new plants added when they are made.
Interiors: Merged interiors (mostly dungeons) will need to be looked over again to remove weirdness. Beyond that, there are still plenty of interiors that will need to be made.
Quests: Some quests are already in development. Design claims for NPCing+dialogue should be created whenever cities become interior-complete. Note that the Hlan Oek Zenithar presence still needs discussion as per the meeting agenda.

Claims and bugfixes merged in the previous release cycle:

See that link for a list.

Merged Claims: 


Requires June 18 T D -Merged

Chef's picture

Requires June 18 T D

-Merged TV r4ms
-Swapped Othmura guards to River watch
-Swapped Hlomnryan guard towers to RIver Wtach
-Made Citadel on placeholder CIT marker in lake
-Removed unused doorframe on dibella temple
-Replaced some deprecated objects
-Fixed some (not all) DE_M shelves

TO DO!!!!
-Diamond Dancer in port of HOLMAN CORE needs to be refit, or replaced with a new ship because these new cutters are fucking huge
-Ald Iuval crab needs to be replaced with the new council building, which is also huge and will need more thought put into it

Merged: https://www.tamriel

pralec's picture

Added a dependency on

Evil Eye's picture

Added a dependency on Mainland and cleaned out edits that were in both files. (The Varashimmus ints are no longer touched by the TV section.)

Merged: https://www.tamriel

pralec's picture