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Bthuangthuv has an issue with the exterior rotating doors. Not the main entrance but the hidden entrance - one of the doors turns inward ratehr than outward.
The directions to Massanud in the Roa-Dyr misc quest 'Drinking, Stealing, Ranting' is no longer accurate since the changes to the Aanthiriin exteriors - it describes goes under an arch and most rock arches have been deleted.
On the island directly south of Felms Ithul there are some temple domes floating above the soil.
The Imperial Archiological Society interior in Helnim has a caspering (? not properly aligned, showing the void, a crack) piece of in_c_wall_plain .
Doing the Baluath questline you have the opportunity to free some vampires locked in slave bracers - but if PC has freed a lot of slaves the dialogue topic for Twin Lamps comes up which seems very out of place !
In the Monastery of St. Veloth there is an in_vs_pitceil_01 that seems to be placed over a corridoor piece in the exact same alignment and they're glitching out (what is the term for this?)
In Vhul there are 2 houses for Golyn Volor. One of them has the NPC Imeni Volor and the other is locked and shared with Dolyn Volor (the interior is colled Dolyn and Golyn Volors house). So does he live with Imeni or does he live with Dolyn ? Duplicate
Fixed the Felms Ithil temple
Fixed the Felms Ithil temple dome floaters (cell Aanthirin Region 6, -24)
Patch File:
Can't see the reported
Can't see the reported problem in Helnim, Imperial Archaeological Society.
Fixed z-fighting ceiling in
Fixed z-fighting ceiling in Almas Thirr St Veloth Monastery
Patch File:
Massanud directions fixed as
Massanud directions fixed as part of this bugfix: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/bugtracker/massanud-fixes