Game version:
Found in Version:
Fixed for Version:
Report time: 2022.08.03 18:23:52 UTC
Content file: TR_Mainland.esp
RefNum: 778665
RefID: furn_dwrv_fitting00
Memory address: 0000021828261BF0
Cell: Leftunch
Grid: -12 -16
Coordinates: -91779.1 -125255 5468.63
Model: meshes\f\furn_dwrv_fitting00.nif
Notes: floating pipes
Report time: 2022.08.03 18:24:47 UTC
Content file: TR_Mainland.esp
RefNum: 778804
RefID: t_mw_terrrockrr_mtridge_01
Memory address: 000002180C97A5F0
Cell: Roth Roryn Region
Grid: -11 -15
Coordinates: -87715 -122170 1878.06
Model: meshes\tr\x\tr_terr_rr_mtridge_01.nif
Notes: seethrough bottom, raise land
Report time: 2022.08.03 18:54:32 UTC
Content file: TR_Mainland.esp
RefNum: 14756
RefID: t_de_sethla_x_bridge_05
Memory address: 000002B697727BE0
Cell: Andothren
Grid: 0 -17
Coordinates: 4261.87 -132406 -101.813
Model: meshes\tr\x\tr_ex_hla_bridge_05.nif
Notes: rather noticeable gap between the bridge pieces here
Report time: 2022.08.12 23:00:34 UTC
Content file: TR_Mainland.esp
RefNum: 799715
RefID: terrain_ashland_rock_02
Memory address: 000001C1B23CA5B0
Cell: Armun Ashlands Region
Grid: -14 -22
Coordinates: -112283 -178971 803.042
Model: meshes\x\Terrain_ashland_rock_02.NIF
Notes: floating
Report time: 2022.08.12 23:00:36 UTC
Content file: TR_Mainland.esp
RefNum: 799745
RefID: terrain_ashland_rock_13
Memory address: 000001C1B23C3E30
Cell: Armun Ashlands Region
Grid: -14 -22
Coordinates: -112032 -178770 705.284
Model: meshes\x\Terrain_ashland_rock_13.NIF
Notes: floating
Report time: 2022.09.06 13:48:31 UTC
Content file: TR_Mainland.esp
RefNum: 865123
RefID: furn_de_tapestry_11
Memory address: 00000278B7660780
Cell: Uman, Hound's Rest Inn
Coordinates: 3859.7 4219.27 15569.4
Model: meshes\f\Furn_De_Tapestry_11.NIF
Notes: missing wall piece
Report time: 2022.09.07 08:28:57 UTC
Content file: TR_Mainland.esp
RefNum: 778261
RefID: t_com_var_nail_01
Memory address: 000002688CCBEF50
Cell: Roth Roryn Region
Grid: -14 -20
Coordinates: -107404 -160258 2310.21
Model: meshes\TR\f\TR_furn_com_nail.nif
Notes: floating
Report time: 2022.09.10 17:30:01 UTC
Content file: TR_Mainland.ESP
RefNum: 707232
RefID: tr_m4_andas_guardbath_s
Memory address: 000001B8F4D0AFA0
Cell: Andothren, Andas Estate: Baths
Coordinates: -5482.2 -2280.83 342.579
Model: meshes\base_anim.nif
Script: TR_m4_NPC_AndasBathGuard
Notes: move away from wall, he's vibin'
Report time: 2022.09.22 15:59:45 UTC
Content file: Clean Orlukh_v13.ESP
RefNum: 58
RefID: t_mw_und_mum_rise_02
Memory address: 00000201312D65E0
Cell: Ishanuran, Deep Burial
Coordinates: 2119.46 3793.87 -1731.78
Model: meshes\tr\cr\tr_mummy_02.nif
Script: T_ScCrea_MummyRise_02
Notes: too close to static, vibrates in OpenMW
Report time: 2022.09.22 16:02:51 UTC
Content file: TR_Mainland.esp
RefNum: 855435
RefID: bookskill_spear5
Memory address: 000002011FF30F60
Cell: Ishanuran, Grand Burial Chamber
Coordinates: 178.13 -3572.32 116.689
Model: meshes\m\Text_Octavo_06.nif
Notes: probably doesn't belong in an Ashlander burial
Report time: 2022.09.22 16:10:54 UTC
Content file: TR_Mainland.esp
RefNum: 737087
RefID: t_mw_cavemold_wall_01
Memory address: 0000020121F3E140
Cell: Anbarsud, Shrine
Coordinates: 1876.15 -2846.67 23591.7
Model: meshes\TR\i\TR_in_mold_wall_01.nif
Notes: lower this to z 23550 or something so people can actually see the statue from behind this ridge. This int feels like it was designed entirely from the CS and never played by its creator.
Report time: 2022.09.22 16:11:54 UTC
Content file: TR_Mainland.esp
RefNum: 738169
RefID: tr_m4_anbarsud_chest_01
Memory address: 000002014B347200
Cell: Anbarsud, Forge
Coordinates: 6067.9 -2257.43 22616.5
Model: meshes\o\Contain_Com_Chest_02.NIF
Notes: set ownership to someone
Report time: 2022.09.22 17:54:57 UTC
Content file: TR_Mainland.esp
RefNum: 13247
RefID: t_dwe_dngruin_x_bridgesml_02
Memory address: 000002375C687CB0
Cell: Bthuangthuv
Grid: 1 -16
Coordinates: 11556.1 -129486 1036.87
Model: meshes\tr\x\tr_ex_dwrv_bridge_S_02.nif
Notes: add collisionboxes to top of stairs for navigation, currently player gets stuck on ramp
Report time: 2022.11.19 21:11:23 UTC
Content file: 18 [TR_Mainland.ESP]
RefNum: 772855
RefID: t_com_setmw_signwayoldebonh_01
Memory address: 000001534AAAAB10
Cell: Roth Roryn Region
Grid: -6 -17
Coordinates: -46463.3 -133303 1882.77
Model: meshes\f\active_signpost_01.NIF
(DIR: C:/Games/Morrowind/Data Files)
Notes: replace with Menaan sign
1. The pipes are fixed in
1. The pipes are fixed in Roth Roryn Overhaul 01
2. The caspering ridge is also fixed in Roth Roryn Overhaul 01
3. The bridge in Andothren is an asset issue (https://github.com/TD-Addon/TD_Addon/issues/653)
4. Both floating rocks in -14,-22 have already been fixed
5. ^
6. The wall in "Uman, Hound's Rest Inn" has been fixed for a good while now
7. The floating nails in -14,-20 have already been fixed
8. The guard is still standing at the same coordinates as when this was reported, but I can't reproduce in OpenMW 0.48.0
9. I can't reproduce this in OpenMW 0.48.0 either, though the mummy does tend to get stuck upon rising in both engines so it should be adjusted regardless
10. The book "36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 35" placed here hasn't been replaced yet. It's a spear skill book that's placed next to a mummy holding a spear, so ideally its replacement would be one as well
11. Anbarsud will rightfully be getting nuked from orbit anyway
12. The chest is currently still unowned, but I'm not sure if that should change for a vampire den like this
13. there doesn't seem to be any issue with the ramp in Bthuangthuv in the current version
14. The sign hasn't been replaced yet and would fall under Roth Roryn Overhaul 06, but as that one is still sitting unclaimed it can safely be fixed here
Fixes for 9, 10, and 149.
Fixes for 9, 10, and 14
9. Adjusted the mummy and a bit of surrounding clutter
10. Replaced it with bookskill_spear1 (Smuggler's Island) which seems like a considerably less inappropriate spear skill book
14. Replaced it with a Menaan sign as suggested, and deleted a nearby T_De_Var_Cartwheel_01 that was buried under the landmesh
Patch File: