The Prince and the Pauper Hlerynhul quest ending problems






Game version: 




Related Release File: 

Found in Version: 


Fixed for Version: 


The guy whom you rescue returns to Hlerynhul Temple but:

- He has nothing to say to the player.

- He has funky AI settings that make him walk into walls.

- His friend, the questgiver, has little to say to you when you resque the guy.

- It is not clear that the reward will be given by the Temple minister.


- Moved Bolor's quest

SpottheCat's picture

- Moved Bolor's quest greetings from 5 to 4, so that he will still talk with a diseased PC.
- Added an if statement so Bolor's greeting doesn't give you a quest if you talk to him w/o starting the quest

- added missing dialogue at specific journal entries under "go free" and "Bolor Sarenthas"
- Added post-rescue greeting for Tulnom
As for the funky AI and the unclear reward. I couldn't find anything in Bolor's script or AI that would make him move, and he didn't move for me. Bolor's post-rescue greeting also does indicate that the temple minister will reward you.


Patch File: 

Quest Greetings generally go

Blueshift's picture

Quest Greetings generally go in 1 if they're supposed to take priority over a player being diseased. Don't know the situation, but it seems like that would be better, or that they should be kept in Greeting 5 if they're only for flavor.

They're not for flavor, so I

SpottheCat's picture

They're not for flavor, so I guess they should be moved to 1. The only issue there is that they will still work if the player is a vampire. 

Merged. The funky AI is

Ronik's picture


The funky AI is caused by missing AIWander after PositionCell. I added that, also Blueshift is right that Greetings that need to appear for the quest to work correctly (e.g. they update the journal, or increment variables, like in this case), should be Greeting 1. The fact that they appear to vampire players isn't really that important.