Armun Ashlands: Hostile NPCs in piransulit have bad stats





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The NPCs in piransulit are all level 15-18, so mid-high level by base morrowind standards which caps out at around 20. But they have stats and gear of low-level enemies. The armun kagoutis outside are more dangerous than them. All of them have auto calc'd stats.

  • TR_m4_O_Orric - No armor and only a steel warhammer, blunt weapon of 66 which is sort of ok but without inflated health or armor he'll just die before doing much
  • TR_m4_O_Zelia - has a wood crossbow with 5 bolts and a steel club. Marksman skill is 47, blunt weapon is 25
  • TR_m4_O_Jelyn Indo - wearing medium armor with a medium armor skill of 19, longblade is 48 (appears he is a morag tong writ target)
  • TR_m4_O_Elvu Mannaren - wearing light armor with a skill of 11, has a very weak dagger w/shortblade of 54.


I was a little generous with

Boyos's picture

I was a little generous with gear because of the level of these NPCs. Also TR needs better generic enchanted gear for NPCing.

-blunt 66 -> 78
-unarmored 29 ->70
-health 155 -> 265

-steel club -> glass broadsword
-wood crossbow -> orcish crossbow
-5 bolts -> 15 bolts
-longblade 76 -> 85
-marksman 47 -> 90
-health 160 -> 220

TR_m4_O_Jelyn Indo
-longblade 48 -> 73
-mediumarmor 19 -> 55
-health 140 -> 210

TR_m4_O_Elvu Mannaren
-Added netch leather greaves, boots, boiled helmet
-dire viperblade -> glass viperblade
-shortblade 54 -> 80
-lightarmor 11 -> 70
-agility 62 -> 85
-health 128 -> 185

Patch File: