Tamriel Rebuilt now hosts meetings online on a biweekly or weekly basis. Generally, we use Skype for this, but we also might use Discord. These meetings are recorded (and, with the permission of those participating, posted online here.). Notes are also taken.
Anyone is welcome to join these meetings. If you don't want or prefer not to speak, you can join and just type.
Read the summaries and hear the recordings here: [link]
2015-12-12 23:47
3 years 6 months ago
Reminder: Our next meeting is tomorrow: that is, Saturday January 23 at the usual 6pm GMT!
We will be using Discord: https://discordapp.com/channels/132891272666021888
The topic of discussion will be House Dres. The proposed Agenda is here: http://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/content/2016-01-23-proposed-agenda
The forum topic for House Dres is here: tamriel-rebuilt.org/forum/house-dres-brainstorming
The current planning document, to be read and discussed tomorrow, is here: http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/content/faction-house-dres
If you have opinions, please come prepared with some notes so you can present your ideas.
Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.
2016-01-18 02:00
3 years 1 month ago
Not familiar with Discord. Made an account. That link will bring us into the Meeting?
Twilight dwells on the winter coast
the time of the eldest fades
deep in the forest the Dreamer lies
lost to mind and space.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
The above link should work. You just need to choose a username.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
Skype meeting in about ten minutes. As things have been pretty quiet here for the past week, the plan is to just go ahead with a Drupal workshop to familiarize Leads on the functioning of the site; the meeting will probably be uninteresting to non-leads. We'll be using Skype for its share screen function.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
I’ve finally gotten around to adding the recordings to the meeting summaries where present. The meeting of January 16, 2016 unfortunately lacks a recording, but does have a summary. The meeting of January 30, 2016 has a recording but no summary. It was a meeting between leads about how to use Drupal, though, and most of it was carried out through typing, so unless you want to hear Anony and me mumble something occassionally and some bouts of furious typing all with a near-constant hum in the background you’re not missing much. And if you want all those things, you’ll find them and more in the other recordings.
I (or anyone else who happens to have a bit of free time) intend to carry over the old summaries and recordings by and by.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
Meeting in an hour, we’ll go with Discord again, at least to start with.
Edit: Oops, timezones.
2015-07-05 20:55
4 years 3 months ago
Why are we using Discord, when we have to switch to skype everytime someone wants to share a screen?
2015-09-28 20:13
2 years 10 months ago
Well, that has only happened three times so far and in general, Discord is much less buggy than Skype.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
Because Discord generally works more smoothly, and it’s been more convenient so far to only switch over to Skype for screen sharing.
2015-12-12 23:47
3 years 6 months ago
Our next meeting is scheduled for Saturday February 13 at the usual 6 PM GMT. The agenda has not been decided yet.
Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
The summary of today’s meeting complete with recording has been added to the page linked up top. And over here.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
The next meeting will be at the usual time on Saturday. I suggest we discuss House Redoran, both to take a break from the Deshaan and as there has been talk recently about opening up Redoran interior claims to give our interior developers something to do and I think it would be wise to first assess whether we have a clear enough picture of what we want to do with the House before going ahead with the idea. I personally think Baan Malur will be the most likely candidate for interiors, as people would likely be interested in working on it, as it has enough interiors so that we shouldn’t run out again too soon, as it is very well designed and unlikely to require major modifications, and as it will probably be the settlement most directly tied to the House Redoran planning document.
If we are all relatively in agreement as to which direction we should go with House Redoran, I think we should try to solidify the document as much as possible in the meeting. If we end up disagreeing significantly as to which direction to take House Redoran, I think we should aim to agree on which direction to take them by the end of the meeting so that we can avoid that potential impasse and make some actual progress on the House when we discuss them next.
2015-12-12 23:47
3 years 6 months ago
Reminder: We have a meeting today (Saturday February 13) at the usual 6 PM GMT which will presumably be on Discord. I may or may not be present myself.
Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
Yes, meeting in about an hour, and the topic will be the House Redoran planning document as above.
2015-12-12 23:47
3 years 6 months ago
Meeting cancelled due to insufficient attendance. We will have the next meeting next week as usual: Saturday February 20 at 6 pm GMT. The topic of choice is continuing the discussion on the Deshaan plains and confirming the items in the documents.
Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
Meeting in fourty minutes. The topic will be finalizing the Deshaan, as in the proposed agenda.
Edit: I think we should use Discord for this meeting. Here is the link.
2016-01-19 04:30
3 years 7 months ago
Sorry I keep missing these meetings. I have a night work shift on most Fridays, and I always end up sleeping in.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
That’s quite understandable. I will try and set up another doodle before the next meeting so that we can see if there isn’t a more convenient timeslot, but the reality of the matter is that there’s probably no timeslot that works for everyone, and that some don’t really have enough time to take full part in meetings anyway.
I have finished writing out the meeting notes, however. The formatting is a bit dubious, but it should at least be readable.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
I almost forgot about this, but here’s a Doodle for meeting scheduling. Ignore the dates; this poll is about which weekday and time is generally most convenient for meetings, not for when a specific meeting should be scheduled. To keep the poll manageable I kept it a little vague; the whole day for weekdays, and Saturday and Sunday (when I assume most people would be willing) divided into night, morning, afternoon and evening, all based on GMT/UTC. There’s a chance the poll will not show correctly due to timezones, but those are what the entries represent in that order. Please specify more specific timeslots in the comment section below the schedule.
Today’s Skype meeting will be on the subject of Dres architecture, basically finalizing the planning so that we can move on to concepts and modelling. It will start in two-and-a-half hours and will be held on Discord. The proposed agenda can be viewed here.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
Meeting called off due to a variety of issues. Rather than discussing Redoran next week, I think we should consider discussing the scheduled TR release which will be in March. I’m not sure whether there even is much to discuss on the topic of Dres architecture at the moment; perhaps more discussion of the current concepts on the forums might help matters along there. For the most part, the set seems to be waiting for more concepts. I have updated the list, though the formatting may need some work.
2016-01-19 19:35
4 months 1 week ago
My work schedule changes every week, so I can’t confirm anything until the Thursday before. Usually I’m working over the weekends, so voted to reflect that.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
To anyone who hasn’t yet, remember to enter at what times you’d be able to take part in TR skype meetings.
Skype meeting in about fourty minutes. As above, we will be discussing a lot of organization stuff, such as:
-the claim system
-preparing for our quarterly release
-probably something else I’m forgetting.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
I forgot: the meeting will be held on Discord, here.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
Posted the summary. No recording this time as well; we ended up just typing.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
Right, my suggestions for the topic of the next meeting, sorted by priority:
2015-12-12 23:47
3 years 6 months ago
Added my timing into the doodle.
Basically I’m free on Saturdays any time, not at all on Sundays, and the rest of the time in the mornings, EST. But my schedule does change around unpredictably also.
Does: concepts, textures, youtube vids, admin stuff e.g. PR, handbook, assets, small website things. Activity level: wildly unpredictable. Still active. Find me on Discord.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
Two hours ‘till the Discord meeting. Agenda as above; I’m assuming we won’t need to spend much time on the first two items and will be able to move right to discussing House Redoran. We may take it a little easy this time due to still being a little winded from yesterday’s interview.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
Meeting live in five minutes.
2015-08-10 20:50
1 month 5 days ago
The meeting is over. We ended up discussing all of the topics (release, House Dres and House Redoran). The notes and recording should be up today still, I’ll just be applying a few edits to them. (This time I’m actually bothering to edit out the silences from the recording).
For the next meeting, aside from again discussing anything relevant to this month’s release, I think there are two possibilities: if there is any concrete stuff to be discussed for implementation ,like an updated map of Dres lands with settlements and dungeon locations, we should discuss that. Otherwise, I sort of want to discuss how the Temple interacts with House Dres, which I think could use some clarification.
2016-01-17 16:36
5 years 10 months ago
Is it possible to have an impromptu meeting on Discord or something where I can discuss some things about House Redoran? I have a very hectic new work schedule where I will never be able to attend a Saturday meeting, unfortunately. ):