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TR_Travels links up travel routes to Old Ebonheart, dropping you straight into the ocean if you aren't loading TR_Preview.
TR_Travels links up travel routes to Old Ebonheart, dropping you straight into the ocean if you aren't loading TR_Preview.
As expected, TR_Travels
As expected,
TR_Travels requires TR_Preview.
Ideally TR_Travels would load before TR_Preview and contain only Mainland travel routes, and the overlapping/remaining travel routes would be merged into TR_Preview before releases. It can be done, but the worry is about adding work to every subsequent release because the internal files would have to be cut and updated. Maybe the best solution is making a mod cut of Travels.
Nevertheless, TR_Travels
Nevertheless, TR_Travels requires TR_Preview in order to not drop you in the middle of nowhere. This is not a bug, this is working as intended, we had a big public feedback session and this is what we ended up with.
As such, I'm closing this one.
AFAIK that public feedback
AFAIK that public feedback session was only about merging vanilla travel edits into Mainland, not about making the only options travels to empty lands or no travels, which is still an issue in itself. I'd have already made a cut but can't decently commit others to keeping it updated in the future, I think the additional files need to be more dependable than that. Won't anybody please beat me to making that mod? :P
No, I'm not doing such a mod.
No, I'm not doing such a mod.
I think in that case, TR
I think in that case, TR_Travels should explicitly depend on TR_Preview to avoid confusion.
it cant because tr_preview
it cant because tr_preview isn't an esm
And this isn't actually a bug
And this isn't actually a bug anyway...
Only because teleporting the
Only because teleporting the user into the ocean against all in-game logic and against what the user can reasonably expect is for some reason acting as designed. At the very least, there should be a note in the FAQ and install guide.
Making TR_Preview a master
Making TR_Preview a master file would give the wrong impression on how stable it is. At most the plugin file could be named PreviewTravels, that being what it is,
but what it should at least have is the Preview requirement added in the description/plugin comment field.