Currently in development
Checked out:
File versions:
This release file is temporary until a handbook page has been designed. It contains prefab ESPs for Tamriel_Data.
Currently, there are two contained within:
- TD_Banking_Example (by Texafornian), with an example NPC, example cell, and example dialogue lines to make use of T_D's global banking scripts.
- TR_Book_Templates (by Ragox), with example combinations of icon and mesh for all TR books in Tamriel_Data.
in the future maybe the new
in the future maybe the new vampire clan example could be added
Didn't you make that one? If
Didn't you make that one? If so, the chances of the clan example being in this skyrocket if you make a ready to use esp for it.
vampire example esp
Should we even keep this
Should we even keep this around? It hasn't been touched in 6 years.