2018-01-14 Meeting Summary


Proposed Agenda

  • Old Ebonheart, open issues
  • Indoril-Thirr, open issues
  • Local greetings, the little custom topics (bug)
  • Master Trainers & Soul Trap (forum topic)
  • A future revision to the meeting structure: We will hold an open discussion once per month (if it doesn't get cancelled), and directed meetings on all other Sundays (that don't get cancelled). The free meeting should be held at the end of each month, starting January.
  • Do we want to hold an open meeting on 2018-01-28, this close to a planned release date? If so, should we promote it? Is there anything we want to discuss in a more open-ended manner?


Meeting Notes

The big asset roundup:

  • AT ground textures - MERGED
  • AT tree branch textures - still remains to be done, worst case skip
  • AT mushroom - Pyrous Uracia, with the effects drain willpower, feather, drain agility, blind. Value = 1, weight = 0.1 - MERGED
  • AT leafy plant - bounding box on 01 and 02 too small, 03 is hard to select, the plant is too large, perhaps adjust the centre of the models as well?
  • AT spore cloud - needs in-game testing; lighting was wonky on it before
  • palisade - should be good to go - MERGED
  • soap - got its icons, should be good to go - MERGED
  • Velothi pieces - the models that have been made so far have been MERGED
  • Dwemer pieces - will probably not be merged yet, as low-priority