Daedric Cultists


Dawnbreaker and Corrupted Dawnbreaker custom weapons by PikachunoTM

These assets are free to use and modify.

Bugfix 1.0:
-Fixed some minor UV issues
-Fixed the buggy BoundingBox that would insta-crash the CS for being set up improperly (can never trust that blasted copy-paste)
-Fixed some mesh issues with the sheaths and with Corrupt Dawnbreaker.

Sheo's Box of Fun

Moved to the claims browser: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/sheos-box-fun

Transferred from forum posting June 30th, 2016. Not all comments on the original thread have been acknowledged or responded to by original designer. This quest also needs a location chosen and a special interior created for  it.

Seven Varieties of Shadow

Transferred from forum posting June 28th, 2016.

TITLE: Seven Varieties of Shadow
AUTHOER: No Loss Red-Hand

By long study have I learned this -

Shadow the first is the shadow direct, hard-cut in day by the Sun, unequivocal.

Shadow the second is the shadow oblique, bent away from its mooring by the application of a dust.


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