Great House Dres

Dres Container Set (1)

12th of June 2019

This part of the Dres Container set is put into a separate Asset to give a better overview of the assets contributed.
This entry contains the assets from Kaziem's concept art for common Urns, these include all sizes listed in the concept art.

As before, I do not know how to correctly export to the NIF format, so help is required(fix for reviewer).

Attached to these assets are:
- The Blender 'mega-file', containing all assets
- The texture
- Concept Art (by Kaziem)

Dres Container Set (2)

12th June 2019

This part of the Dres Container set is put into a separate Asset to give a better overview of the assets contributed.
This entry contains the assets from Gnomey's concept art for Deshaan containers, these include:

- Dres Baskets 1&2
- Dres Satchels 1&2
- Dres Cauldrons S&L
- Dres small pole
- Dres large pole 1&2
- Dres Drying Rack/Tanner
- Dres Screen
- Dres Campfire

Dres Riverstrider

Latest progress on the Dres Riverstrider.

-Removed Televani archetecture
-Scaled to 50%
-Added BS Animation nodes. no longer needs xmesh.nif and xmesh.kf files. Though sounds will need scripted.
-Remade the tail mesh as the UV was unusable

first of all the televani riverstrider mesh is a mess. but i wont get into the details here.
Still a ton could be done to improve. Mainly needs textures.

Dres "Machinery"

Needed: a variety of tools and pieces of equipment that the Dres would use in mining salt crystals and irrigating farmland.

Pasternoster (lift)
Water Wheel or Archimedes Screw devices, or lifting salt crystals out of deep mines.



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