This part of the Dres Container set is put into a separate Asset to give a better overview of the assets contributed. This entry contains the assets from Kaziem's concept art for common Urns, these include all sizes listed in the concept art.
As before, I do not know how to correctly export to the NIF format, so help is required(fix for reviewer).
Attached to these assets are: - The Blender 'mega-file', containing all assets - The texture - Concept Art (by Kaziem)
This part of the Dres Container set is put into a separate Asset to give a better overview of the assets contributed. This entry contains the assets from Gnomey's concept art for Deshaan containers, these include:
- Dres Baskets 1&2 - Dres Satchels 1&2 - Dres Cauldrons S&L - Dres small pole - Dres large pole 1&2 - Dres Drying Rack/Tanner - Dres Screen - Dres Campfire
-Removed Televani archetecture -Scaled to 50% -Added BS Animation nodes. no longer needs xmesh.nif and xmesh.kf files. Though sounds will need scripted. -Remade the tail mesh as the UV was unusable
first of all the televani riverstrider mesh is a mess. but i wont get into the details here. Still a ton could be done to improve. Mainly needs textures.