Ald Iuval claim. Manor of Garisa Llethri (Leader of the Waters' March), currently in the care of Olmu Llendu, Lord of the Waters, Master of the Horns, who leads the local council in Llethri's abscence. Can have an extensive underground, though mind the exterior cliffs. Aside from chambers for Llethri (occupied by Llendu) and an eating area, it should have quarters for a few retainers. Use de_r furniture.
This is a book I wrote as a journal entry of a Redoran soldier fighting in the defense of a Nord invasion through the Rift Pass. I didn't set a date or time to it, as it was a more spur of the moment kind of idea I had. I feel it might suit the identity of House Redoran quite nicely, but let me know if I'm mistaken. I also wanted to try writing something a bit more serious in tone than my previous two submissions which are intended to be more comedic.
A small hillside fortification with a watchtower to observe and patrol the Redoran-Hlaalu border area. Another purpose of it is to enable the inspection of traders and caravans who are passing the nearby crossroads.
Some extensions on the vanilla Redoran interior set to get around ceiling sections not matching up correctly. I'll be chucking more files up here as I identify problems with the set in Kartur.
Update: Added a retextured velothi platform as per the discussion on Discord