How to update TR ?

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Reskal's picture
2023-05-26 10:53
Last seen:
8 months 1 week ago

I returned after a year and there is a new version of "Tamriel Data" and for the file "Tamriel rebuilt" there is a hotfix.

I actually download both. So i guess i have to update these 2 files ?

1. So to update Tamriel rebuild, i just copy the TR_mainland.esm from the core-file i downloaded in Tamriel rebuilt and drop it into "Data files", to overwrite the existing, old TR_mainland.esm ?

2. the same for the newly downloaded "Tamriel Data" then ? Just dropping it into "Data files" to overwrite the existing files  ?


Sorry for asking this, but its pretty complicated and my english is not that well and i'm not a modder also

Sultan of Rum's picture
Sultan of Rum
Senior DeveloperInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2019-08-25 19:28
Last seen:
7 hours 11 min ago

Essentially, yes. You will also want to copy over TR_Factions.esp and any other TR plugins that you may have been using.

Bear in mind, if you hope to continue with the same save from a year ago, we don't recommend it. Since the last update changed a lot about the mainland, you may run into serious bugs with an existing save. I recommend you finish your current playthrough in the old version of the mod and start a new character for the new version.