Hi TR! *waves*
I’ve started a showcase several times before, but somehow never gotten all the way to submission. 7th time lucky, apparently :D I’m applying for interiors to begin with, and hopefully I’ll apply for quests later on as well.
For my showcase I made Menaan Interior #7, since it hasn’t been claimed and it seems to fit the showcase guidelines in terms of size and decorating style. There didn’t seem to be much point in making an interior that couldn’t be used. Hope this is ok!
The guidelines for #7 were: shady smith who may be moonlighting as a hitman for the governor of Menaan, which is to be alluded to but not made explicit. He’ll trade with the player, but only a limited selection.
The cell name is “TR_lucevarshowcase”.
The upper floor of the building is the shop, with a relatively small selection of mostly weapons and some bonemold on display. There’s a forge and anvil, but the forge is unlit and seems to be rarely used. I had thought there might be rumours along the lines of ‘The smith never seems to do any work. How does he stay in business?’ to point out his shadiness to the player, but as everyone in Menaan seems to know about the dodgy goings-on, maybe that’s not appropriate.
Downstairs is mostly house clutter, with some remnants of a party he held at some point – not a particularly tidy guy. There’s nothing too expensive down here, since there’s no NPC to guard it and no real barrier to entry, but it’s still relatively nice compared to, say, the Khajiit’s house. Mostly de_p, but the rugs and tapestries are fancier than usual, and there’s a de_pr bed, as a cue for the player to start wondering ‘wait, how come this guy has nice stuff?’: he’s spent the dirty money he gets from the governor on booze, clothes, and nice upholstery. He’s had a ladyfriend around at some point – there’s a skirt under the bed. Potentially the governor’s daughter, for drama? The final nod to shadiness is a silver dagger under his pillow. You can never be too careful in his line of work, after all.
Nothing else to mention, I don’t think. Nice to finally meet you all (those I haven’t bugged in Discord, anyhow) :D
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
Hi Lucevar, welcome to TR.
This is a really nice showcase; it’ll fit perfectly in Menaan. Your interior matches the exterior, you’re lighting values are good, you’ve handled all the high-level stuff we require (adding a Northmarker, no style-mixing, Illegal To Sleep Here is set, gridsnap has been used well) and the design conveys the shady character well without going overboard; I like the little details around the place like the darts in the ceiling above the bed and the cobweb in the furnace.
Something I’d like fixed, though, is the placement of the weaponracks. Ideally, these should all bleed into their walls at a uniform depth (especially the ones right next to each other). Try to get them all positioned at an equal distance into the wall, preferably bleeding/clipping far enough to cover their ‘invisible’ backs.
Other than that, the only real issues concern (mostly) misc items floating/bleeding and rotation problems; take your time going through the following list of issues and focus on precise rotation (particularly on the de_p surfaces).
Here’s the full list of placement issues that should be remedied:
bonemold long bow (-119.501, 100.811, 680.634) - Floating, rotate it so at least three points on the bow are making contact with the counter.
chest_small_02_gold_50 (-209.103, 195.752, 764.750) - Bleeding slightly into the wall behind it.
com_basket_01_chpfood5 (-682.072, 164.162, 393.065) - Floating.
common_skirt_05 (-674.243, -380.649, 357.026) - Caspering; clothing like skirts should bleed enough to hide the invisible underside.
com_sack_01_chpfood5 (-749.941, 153.731, 398.023) - Floating on one side.
de_p_chest_02_pos3 (-751.654, 153.692, 375.223) - Floating.
furn_de_p_shelf_02 (-239.935, 193.610, 748.723) - Floating away from the wall a little.
furn_de_p_shelf_02 (-833.355, 98.105, 473.731) - As above.
furn_log_01 (-463.272, -166.763, 709.541) - Floating; with 'soft' surfaces like ash, you can bleed objects into them a bit.
furn_log_01 (-473.238, -147.684, 708.839) - As above.
Gold_001 (-511.188, -147.746, 413.277) - Floating.
Gold_001 (-530.042, -110.900, 413.277) - Floating.
Gold_001 (-533.435, -106.705, 413.338) - Floating.
Gold_005 (-528.132, -105.164, 413.480) - Floating.
ingred_bread_01 (-534.663, -141.509, 415.729) - Floating on one side.
ingred_crab_meat_01 (-526.264, -161.824, 413.565) - Bleeding through the plate just a fraction on on side; just move it towards the centre of the plate a little.
in_hlaalu_room_post (-346.205, -35.136, 736.000) - This one is a bit off-center, and it looks strange. Use gridsnap to reposition so it's centered.
iron war axe (-141.652, -82.261, 680.846) - Floating; try to rotate it so both the axe head and the handle are resting on the counter.
light_de_candle_09_64 (-500.527, -108.060, 432.284) - Bleeding very slightly on one side.
light_de_candle_09_64 (-780.806, -279.541, 436.725) - Bleeding into table.
light_de_lamp_01 (-416.206, -279.210, 485.059) - Bleeding into floor.
light_de_lantern_03 (-96.892, -31.267, 807.935) - Floating a little; try to get the metal ring resting on the rope.
misc_com_bottle_01 (-503.456, -145.605, 428.976) - Floating on one side; rotate it to match the incline of the table.
misc_com_bottle_02 (-463.494, -111.448, 429.855) - As above.
misc_com_bottle_06 (-610.588, -377.234, 361.399) - Floating on one side.
misc_com_wood_fork (-537.937, -149.694, 413.864) - Floating on one side.
misc_com_wood_knife (-517.008, -174.055, 413.969) - Floating, rotate it so the handle lies flat.
misc_de_bowl_bugdesign_01 (-506.576, -465.614, 454.111) - Bleeding a bit non-uniformly; try to position it so that it can rest in line with a single face of the top of the drawers.
misc_de_goblet_02 (-458.063, -158.127, 419.521) - Floating.
misc_de_goblet_02 (-504.515, -167.616, 419.657) - Floating.
misc_de_goblet_02 (-517.838, -109.937, 419.657) - Floating.
misc_de_goblet_02 (-801.406, -299.891, 423.421) - Floating.
misc_flask_01 (-750.167, 201.389, 493.827) - This flask isn't bleeding as far as the other, try to get them to approximately match.
misc_flask_03 (-393.244, -383.285, 504.202) - Floating; needs to have the 'cone' base bled into the shelf.
misc_flask_03 (-375.419, -389.948, 504.431) - As above.
Potion_Local_Brew_01 (-485.063, -133.747, 425.187) - Floating on one side.
repair_journeyman_01 (-248.099, -202.666, 677.283) - Floating; rotate it until the handle rests on the anvil.
steel arrow (-113.786, 136.559, 680.441) - Floating.
steel arrow (-117.462, 136.553, 680.441) - Floating.
steel arrow (-118.330, 142.092, 680.441) - Floating.
steel arrow (-122.124, 142.585, 680.441) - Floating.
steel dart (-123.617, 77.566, 680.410) - Floating.
steel dart (-123.886, 62.585, 680.410) - Floating.
steel dart (-131.784, 68.827, 680.410) - Floating.
steel dart (-520.584, -414.883, 598.787) - Bleeding a bit too far into the wooden beam.
steel dart (-557.783, -415.746, 598.195) - As above.
steel longbow (142.376, 81.747, 740.100) - Bleeding into the weaponrack
steel staff (50.392, 205.201, 709.633) - Bleeding into the rack on one side.
T_De_Furn_Rug_04 (-659.195, -180.210, 357.000) - Rugs like this one should bleed just a little into the ground so that the 'tassles' on the ends are resting rather than floating.
T_De_StonewarePlate_01 (-527.060, -161.792, 414.895) - Bleeding into the table.
T_De_StonewarePlate_01 (-773.869, -308.602, 419.934) - As above.
If you run into any difficulties, or need further elaboration on the issues I’ve pointed out, please don’t hesitate to ask.
2017-01-12 02:21
2 weeks 3 days ago
Hi Sirrah!
Thank you for your very prompt review. I’m glad you like the interior.
I’m working on fixing these up now (some of them are just … dumb. In the ‘oh, maybe I shouldn’t have assumed that just because the lines were all nicely dotted that everything was fine’ kinda way, not looking at anyone in particular bonemold bow. Jeepers, the rotation on that thing is weird.)
One query I did have is about the de_p shelves – currently I have them set up with just the two fixtures touching the wall, and as far as I can tell those aren’t floating away. Is it TR’s preference that the whole back of the shelf be touching the wall and that the fixtures are bled to about the halfway point?
Another is the in_hlaalu_room_post –I’m struggling to find a position where the post looks centered on the ceiling join without introducing caspering at the bottom where the post meets the stairs. Very minor caspering, admittedly, but I felt that was worse than ugly joinery. Do you have any advice? (I’ve attached a picture of the caspering)
Last question: can you turn on detailed coordinates in the bar at the bottom, or is it only possible to get them in the reference editor?
Thanks again :)
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
Some objects are definitely rather deceptive about their selection box; with anything irregularly shaped, it’s best to eyeball its position.
Most of the shelves are correctly positioned other than those two indicated; the selection box for the de_p shelves is slightly larger than the actual mesh, so as with the bow the dotted lines are not a good indicator of position. Currently there is a small gap between the wall and shelf on those two shelves. Slightly bleeding the back of the shelves is acceptable, but ideally they should be positioned as you have them now.
Regarding the in_hlaalu_room_post; it’s a bit of an annoyance, but it’s an unavoidable quirk of the Hlaalu set. I’m certain the post has seen a lot of use in identical scenarios in TR already, and vanilla MW got away with it too. I find it less distracting in-game than the misaligned position, in any case.
I’m not an expert on the more-esoteric CS configuration options, but I don’t think there’s a way to stop the coordinates in the bar from rounding. Hopefully OpenCS will deliver us from these sorts of limitations in the future.
2017-01-12 02:21
2 weeks 3 days ago
Thanks for the advice, Sirrah.
I’ve had a go at fixing all the things you mentioned.
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
Thanks for resubmitting, you’ve done a great job nailing those problems! There are very few issues remaining and many of them are quite minor, but I’d like to see them fixed. Most of the issues with goblets/bottles floating are positioned over a flat face so you should be able to trust the selection box for most of them.
The remaining issues are as follows:
furn_de_p_shelf_02 (-721.818, 193.514, 484.850) - Still out of wall.
ingred_crab_meat_01 (-526.344, -161.871, 413.476) - Bleed through plate.
iron war axe (-141.654, -82.262, 680.623) - Bleeding.
light_de_candle_09_64 (-780.806, -279.543, 436.810) - Floating; you can pretty much trust the selection box for this one.
misc_com_bottle_01 (-503.456, -145.605, 428.955) - Floating.
misc_com_bottle_02 (-463.494, -111.448, 429.846) - Floating.
misc_com_bottle_06 (-610.588, -377.234, 361.399) - Floating.
misc_de_bellows10 (-410.233, -194.763, 684.405) - I must have missed this one last time, but he's floating; it's a very awkward mesh to place, but try and get both ends on the ground.
misc_de_goblet_02 (-458.063, -158.127, 419.488) - Floating.
misc_de_goblet_02 (-504.515, -167.616, 419.743) - Floating.
misc_de_goblet_02 (-517.838, -109.937, 419.582) - Floating.
misc_de_goblet_02 (-801.406, -299.891, 423.421) - Floating.
steel arrow (-118.006, 161.940, 679.458) - The tip is floating a little.
steel arrow (-121.678, 161.991, 679.445) - As above.
steel arrow (-126.336, 168.028, 679.423) - As above.
Give it your best shot, and I’ll have no issue recommending you for promotion. As always, I’m happy to help if you need clarification/assistance with anything.
2017-01-12 02:21
2 weeks 3 days ago
Fingers crossed, I think I got all of ‘em.
2016-01-17 13:07
1 year 10 months ago
Great work, Lucevar! The only problem I could see was the string-end of the bow is still floating by a fraction, but that’s an incredibly minor issue. Recommended for promotion, congrats!
A lead dev will be by shortly to sort out the technical end of the promotion, but once that’s done you’ll be able to find interiors currently up for claiming under the Help Needed tab of your Dashboard. You can also look them up on the Claims Browser, as you’re probably aware.
2016-01-19 19:35
2 months 1 week ago
Bing! And there you go. Congratulations on your new position!
I’m going to go ahead and grant you the claim Menaan Interior #7 (http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/menaan-interior-7) Just go ahead and upload your file to that claim, and mark it as ready for review, and we’ll handle the rest of getting it merged for the next release.
2017-01-12 02:21
2 weeks 3 days ago
Woooo! *champagne emoji* :D
Thanks guys! I’ll give that bow once last try and then upload the file.
2015-09-28 20:13
2 years 8 months ago
Congratulations and good luck! Glad to have you on board.