Narsis EEC questline doesn't fit the stock exchange framework (fix proposal)





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Since introducing, the Narsis EEC questline rewards are broken. Stock certificate rewards are useless (this I will handle in a separate TD asset claim) and the EEC stock price dynamic advancement is crazy high. I want to propose a fix to this.

fix tl;dr:

  • TR_M7_EEC_Narsis2 increases the T_Glob_StockBaseEEC global only by 2 instead of 50
  • TR_m7_EEC_Narsis3 increases the T_Glob_StockBaseEEC global only by 3 instead of 50
  • TR_m7_EEC_Narsis4 increases the T_Glob_StockBaseEEC global only by 5 instead of 100 and gives 10x T_Bk_StockEEC_TR instead of 1x
  • TR_m7_EEC_Narsis8 increases the T_Glob_StockBaseEEC global only by 4/8/10 instead of 100/150/200 and gives 10/23/23x T_Bk_StockEEC_TR instead of 1/2/2x
    • All this means that the EEC share value at the stock exchange is raised from base 46-224 to at best 55-269 per share
    • All this also means that the stock certificates the player receives are worth at best maybe about 8882 gold
  • 'delayed caravans' dialogue line is also edited to contain the "company stock" phrase, as it was odd that the dialogue added it by addtopic, but did not explicitly mention it.
  • 'company stock' dialogue line corrected a bit and is edited to contain the phrase "trade stocks" to match the stock exchange framework (although it may not matter, as this NPC doesn't have a response to that topic)


Here's a proposal with explanations. First - I wrote down how much monetary value the stock rewards provided with the old framework:

Original Jacks framework:
each EEC stock certificate could be traded for 400-2100 gold, assuming the base global at 1000.

With that framework in mind, the Narsis EEC rewards were the following:

  • TR_M7_EEC_Narsis2 increased the global by 50 and gave no stock rewards. Bigger global meant value raised to 420-2205 per cert.
  • TR_M7_EEC_Narsis3 increased the global by 50 and gave no stock rewards. Bigger global meant value raised to 440-2310 per cert.
  • TR_M7_EEC_Narsis4 increased the global by 100 and gave one stock cert. Bigger global meant value raised to 480-2520 per cert.
  • TR_M7_EEC_Narsis8 increased the global by 100/150/200 and gave 1/2/2 stock certs. Bigger global meant value raised to 520-2730/540-2835/560-2940 per cert.

If you kept all 3 certs and waited for the best moemnt to sell, then the absolute best monetary reward you could get out of this questline was around 8820 gold.


So my goal was to reduce the global variable increase (because getting almost 3x the increase in EEC stock value seems a bit too much for one questline) but provide enough stock certificates to keep kinda about the same monetary reward.


My framework:

It's different from the original one, because it works on lower values. Each EEC share is valued at 46-224 gold assuming the base global at 100.

See wiki for details:

I'm going to make the T_Bk_StockEEC_TR stock certificate worth exactly one share in the stock exchange framework. I'll make it so in a separate claim.

With such new framework in mind here is my proposal for Narsis EEC questline revamped numbers:

  • TR_M7_EEC_Narsis2 increases the global by 2 and gives no stock rewards. Bigger global means value raised to 47-229 per share.
  • TR_M7_EEC_Narsis3 increases the global by 3 and gives no stock rewards. Bigger global means value raised to 48-236 per share.
  • TR_M7_EEC_Narsis4 increases the global by 5 and gives 10 stock certs. Bigger global means value raised to 50-247 per share.
  • TR_M7_EEC_Narsis8 increases the global by 4/8/10 and gives 10/23/23 stock certs. Bigger global means value raised to 52-256/54-265/55-269 per share.

So the absolute best theoretical monetary reward you can get out of this questline is around 8882 gold if you keep all 3 certs and wait for the best moment.

And I edited the dialogue lines:

  • 'delayed caravans' dialogue line is also edited to contain the "company stock" phrase, as it was odd that the dialogue added it by addtopic, but did not explicitly mention it.
  • 'company stock' dialogue line corrected a bit and is edited to contain the phrase "trade stocks" to match the stock exchange framework (although it may not matter, as this NPC doesn't have a response to that topic)
    • Personally I would have proposed removing the 'company stock' topic altogether and instead give a unique "trade stocks" response, which points to the Mesa Exchange, but I don't mind.
