
Greydust vials

A claim for the final asset for greydust vials, used in the Ja-Natta Syndicate quests and the Grasping Fortune release in general.

Currently the item is using a placeholder mesh:

The final item should look like a vial similar to the skooma one, but smaller and less ornate. An empty vial variant as a misc item should also be included in the ESP.


TESI featured fishbowls with cute little moving Tiny Plesiosaurs in them

This is a claim for that

Probably would be good to have varieties that are empty and with normal fish also

Propylons for Grasping Fortune

Textures/NIFs for Dunmer stronghold propylons that will be included in the Grasping Fortune release and don't have a dedicated .nif yet:

  • Indomarano
  • Yandaran
  • Kaladryon
  • Teloseras (stronghold in OW10 which might be included in Grasping Fortune)

Please use the propylon textures kit by Hemaris (requires Photoshop, the template doesn't work correctly in GIMP or other editors).

[SHotN] Nedic Sword

Nedic sword for SHotN's The Ransacking of Ruvheide Barrow quest - should be UNI item for the quest, but whether there would be separate version that could be used as rare loot in nedic dungeons is up to the lorebeards to decide.

For better context, here is the description from the quest:

ancient High Rock artifact brought back to Skyrim during one of the many High Rock raids of the First Era


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