
Abandoned kwama mine

The interior has two entrances, one at ground level and one on a ledge. It is half of an abandoned Kwama mine, (the other claim is here), the entrance, and should be in a very rough state. It would have hostile Kwama warriors and such. Perhaps also hostile workers (of course to be added in the NPCing stage).

Cell: (1, -28)

The Rift

The mage involved is researching a set of books that create a rip in the time-space reality when brought together. He wants them to see if he can create his own pocket dimension. The player is asked to help find the books, which are scattered around in various dungeons and bookstores (just pick any that already exist).

After retrieving the books, the mage does his experiment; the books and he disappear into an interdimensional rift. Daedra, random objects and animals begin filling up the house as reality starts to collapse.

Aimrah misc quest

A trade agent Dunmer in Aimrah is trying to set up a trade relationship with the Dres. He/she tells the player the Dres pride themselves on being self-sufficient survivalists (say that ten times fast), and so aren't interested in the usual perfumes, clothes, or foodstuffs his Indoril lord is asking him to sell on. The Dunmer instead asks the player to go bring back some items to try bartering with the Dres. The player can come in with the stuff when they feel like it, there's no sense of urgency.


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