
Cyr Runestones cast bound effects in Morrowind and OpenMW

Fixed three scripts:

T_ScObj_RuneHestra, T_ScObj_RuneReman, T_ScObj_RuneSidri

all three are supposed to cast bound item effects on activation. They use 'player->equip' on a custom potion item with bound item effects.

However, it seems that this works only on OpenMW, where `player->equip` adds an item implicitly when player doesn't have it. But Morrowind.exe just does nothing.

So this fix adds `player->additem XXX 1` before every `player->equip XXX` in these three scripts. Seems to work on both engines.


Ayleid - Secret Walls and Scripts

File contains scripts for use with Aylied secret walls

T_ScObj_AylBtn_SecWall_example: Script for use on the aylied stone button specifically as it contains both scripting to activate the secret doors and to run the button's animation.

Buttons require the int devs to make a new ID for each button and each button script. The scripts need to be changed per script to point to the ID of the secret door or doors that it controls.


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