The Redguard heads marked "SHOTN" in the CS are made in a Better Heads-ish way, and they look very incongruous with the artstyle and aesthetic of the rest of TD's vanilla-style heads. This is a claim to replace them.
There are six of these male heads and seven female heads in TD currently.
(Misc faction quests akin to the one-offs you get from the Telvanni Masters, but for the Hlaalu Family. More for fun/flavor than for progression, so you can learn about each family’s schtick.)
Narsis Hlaalu Family 7 Mini-Questline Questgiver: Belron Hlaalu, patriarch of 7th Family
(Misc faction quests akin to the one-offs you get from the Telvanni Masters, but for the Hlaalu Family. More for fun/flavor than for progression, so you can learn about each family’s schtick.)
Narsis Hlaalu Family 6 Mini-Questline Questgiver: Sodreru Hlaalu, Narsis representative of the sixth family.
(Misc faction quests akin to the one-offs you get from the Telvanni Masters, but for the Hlaalu Family. More for fun/flavor than for progression, so you can learn about each family’s schtick.)
Narsis Hlaalu Family 2 Mini-Questline Questgiver: Saritha Hlaalu, Athires' daughter and heir
OAAB's expansion of the vanilla ship interior pieces.
Much more verstile than the ones we have now, but still vanilla friendly. (Of special interest is the shell which has both the upper and lower decks in the same cell which will be useful for making ships quicker and easier to navigate besides.)
TR_Kragenmoor_Temple Kragenmoor’s Grand Temple The main feature of the temple is the Seminary of St. Veloth, a temple school where pilgrims can start their training to join the priesthood before going along the full pilgrimage to Necrom. Claim covers the temple & the external tower.