
Othreleth Woods Suj Sprout

A plant that grows deep in the Oreleth woods in sunny patches. Smells terrible, like sulphur, but the smell goes away when cooked. They are edible and tasty (if you like sharp flavors).

Ingredient: Suj bulb.
Inredient effects: sound, turn undead, drain personality, cure disease (in no particular order)


Sheo's Box of Fun

Moved to the claims browser: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/sheos-box-fun

Transferred from forum posting June 30th, 2016. Not all comments on the original thread have been acknowledged or responded to by original designer. This quest also needs a location chosen and a special interior created for  it.

Asparagus Trees

Asparagus trees, for the velothi mountains to replace or be used in turn with the pine trees. Note, could also be used anywhere there are pine trees on the mainland, for Clambering Moor or Julan-Shar for example.

Models needed: 2-3 variants, from medium to large trees (roughly up to heights of solstheim pine trees). Collision needed, no ingredient.

Salt Crystals

Salt crystals for the Deshaan plains, for use either on exteriors or in cave interiors.


8 Models

I need for someone to play around with these models in the CS and see what they can do with them, and what is needed.

I tried putting a glow map on them, and it was strange but nice strange maybe for in a cave (the bright crystals)



Tanna Plant

I had this lying around, cleaned it up
 and tried to get the colours match MW, tough they need some more work.

Has an ingredient file with icon. could use some feedback



I like it, and there are several regions for which I think it could work, given the right textures. I don’t think for the Deshaan or Thirr River Region which we’re currently working on, but perhaps already for the other Dres regions.


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