
Where Is the Horse Gone?

This is a misc quest for Old Ebonheart which tries to tap into the idea of an overarching “Last Days of Old Ebonheart” theme that was drafted by gro-Dhal in the old forums. The quest should have its comedic/pompous moments, but the ending should leave a bitter, tragic vibe.

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The Dewstag is an insectiod creature that lives in the Othreleth Woods and in some parts of the Thirr Valley, there it hops through the trees and the water. The Dewstag is about the size of a deer(no surprise there) and is herbivorous. Dewstags can be found travelling in small packs of two-four Dewstags and mostly keep to the waterfront. The Dewstags are renowned for their "venison", the venison is said to be tender, sweet and sugary. Besides its taste it also has other side effects in ways of alchemy, it is said to Restore endurance, Drain willpower, Sound and Blind.


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