Hello! Long time player first time bug reporter. I was playing through the Androthen Fighter's Guild questline when I noticed in the dialogue with Tryr that the word "Paid" is misspelled "pain". Relatively minor issue I figured I'd report. Again the quest this appears in is Fighter's Guild: Digging Deeper
The quest sends you to meet the master of the tower at Tel Giran, it does mark it on the map but doesn't tell you about it nor tells you where Tel Giran is. The screenshots attached to this report are all that the quest writes down, even the topics related to the person, or the scrolls, don't tell you about it.
%Name. A pleasure to meet you, no doubt. I am a merchant and a %Name of %Faction. There are such wondruous opportunities for enterprising businessfolk in the East.
The planks at the end of one of the curtain walls have nothing behind them, allowing for one to see "outside" of the interior. Although the section of the wall has collapsed, there is (of course) a solid surface in the exterior, so I believe that the same should be true of the interior.
As shown in the images, there is an inconsistency in the interior depending on whether the player is looking up or down at the wooden beams. Z-fighting also occurs on the beams around the affected area.
One of the rumors in Firewatch about the Arch-Mage supposedly having daedric staff can be spoken by members within the guild, despite being in the same building (and room) as the daedra in question.