
Halan Macrinus - Icebreaker Keep delivery

While speaking to Halan Macrinus in Guild of Mages, Firewatch under topic "Icebreaker Keep" he hands my PC 50 drakes says the following;

"Thank you for making the delivery. Here's your fee."

However I did not start any quest regarding that. I only passed through Nivalis once and barely spoke to the residents.

Skylamp Bad Weighting

In addition to the poor UVs on the small eyes (?) of the skylamp mentioned in another of my reports, some of the weighting on the models is problematic. There are various seams that occur during animations which can be quite visible. One of the larger eyes/sacs/whatever has such a seam (in the first image), and the seams also occur along the center and back of the model (in the second image) on both sides. Lastly the smaller eyes appear to be affected too much by a bone and thus move into the rest of the model (in the third image).

Fighter's Guild Guuljhka invincible?

During the fighter's guild quest in Helnim "Hunting Twilight" TR_m2_FG_Hartise_Twilight The winged twilight is seemingly bugged in a way im not sure whats broken. It can still damage me, but if I cast a spell the spell doesnt "go off" and blocks Guuljhka as if it was a physical obstacle. Additionally any attacks done with a weapon do no damage, beyond that it seems to clip thru the creature itself. I'm not an expert on mods or anything for morrowind but did attempt to kill the creature in console sethealth 0 and that also had no effect.

Bug in TR_Preview

Here is a list of errors that I found in Preview :

_ Drathas Vayle- Carpenter
    => correction : Drathas Vayle: Charpentier
_ Thief's note<p>

... has fallen into trap and we couldn't help him. I think he's dead now.<p>


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