Bosmer in basement of Teyn inn has strange voiced greeting
In the waning years of the Third Era of Tamriel, a prisoner born on a certain day to uncertain parents was sent under guard, without explanation, to Morrowind, ignorant of the role he was to play in that nation's history…
Young Dravil, a merged quest in Arvud, has a Dunmer spit at the player and call them a N'wah. If the player speaks to him, there are some choices of dialogue.
The first choice is Did you just call me a n'wah? and the guy answers with Apologize for what? I told the truth -- you're a n'wah. Not precisely with these words but the issue persists: the player's response lacks an apologize! in the end it seems. Without it, these two entries feel incoherent.
Helnim, Aarlen Lleranoth's Basement feels too cramped for two people IMO, and it's almost impossible to access half the area just because of NPCs. If it is possible I'd suggest scrapping the gambling idea and put something more traversable over there. Firewatch IL needs the gamblers. Still, if possible some adjustments would be nice to improve traversal.
1 and 2. There are two skeleton containers inside and outside of Anashbibi that should be unique for a specific vanilla location. Because they spawn a key to some chest in Vivec. Which is only apparent when the mod Tooltips is used.
There's a non-journal encounter with a Nord, Harryk the Rude, standing on the road west of Teyn. He offers you to buy a barrel of pickled fish for 50 drakes. If you do, he puts the barrel into your inventory implemented as a potion with 4 effects (one of them is drain personality 20) that last 900 seconds.