When you talk to Rantela Irenam and she asks you to infiltrate Odrethi Manor undetected, if you click the "undetected" topic she will deliver a line of dialogue that ends with a Continue button. When you click the Continue button she will deliver the same line, again with the Continue button and so on forever. You can't get out of the dialogue, you have to quit or load a save.
This release file contains the new exterior claims, covering the Coronati Basin and southern half of Shipal-Shin, including the cities of Narsis, Hlerynhal, Shipal-Sharai, Sadraathim, Othmura and the Redoran Enclaves.
MinerMan60101 reported a materials issue on two Necrom pieces, T_De_SetNecrom_UC_Mid_01 and T_De_SetNecrom_UC_Mid_St_01 (and possibly others as well), that only showed when MGE XE was active, as a hot pink missing texture/materials indicator. Chef and I have not been able to reproduce this, however. Possibly the materials settings don't jazz well with specific hardware setups.