The Icon associated with the spell summon greater hunger earned from the Mages guild quest in andothern is missing. I managed to figure out that the creature resources are not assoicated with the packed spell, so I added them into my data folder. Now the icon comes on properly at first, but when the spell is clicked on, the icon then disappears again. I also checked the lua file, and put in the icon as read by that file, and the icon issue still presists. I believe this has to do with how the spell is packaged.
The T_De_CanyonWatch_Greaves_01in the basement is caspering (the model is not really helping here, you have to bleed the bonemold parts to avoid the rest from caspering
This release file contains merged and reviewed exterior claims for the Othreleth Woods section. Also includes the northwestern half of Shipal-Shin, parts of the southern Velothi Mountains, the cities of Kragenmoor and of Andrethis, and many villages along the Kanit river.
Of the four doors to the Andothren Port Authority, three are elevated to be above ground level, going to balconies. They should all go to the second floor, or at least the same floor, but one goes to the third despite being level with the others outside. Screenshots with labels attached.
A quite common issue for paths on the mainland is that the ground is sunk so low that the path just touches the water level. This makes the water waves bleed through the path, which does not look very good. This is unfortunately not easy to spot in the Construction Set (although sometimes possible while shifting the viewing angle), but is clearly visible in the local map in game. I suggest rising the overall ground level slightly in affected areas to fix this issue. I have found this at the following places:
1. Could probably have some more variation depending on region. 2. Is this completely accurate? The guards in Port Telvannis mention they're officers of Telvanni Custom and Imperial Law. Clearly based on the punavit situation different houses consider different things to be crimes. They enforce Imperial Law, except slavery. If anything it sounds like their greeting should be "I keep order and enforce the law." just as a generic. That being said we aren't replacing vanilla dialogue, but we can have our bonemolded guards say whatever we like.