2016-11-27 Meeting Feedback (Roth-Roryn #3)

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Atrayonis's picture
Developer EmeritusInterior DeveloperQuest Developer
2015-09-28 20:13
Last seen:
2 years 10 months ago

This thread is there to give people who could not take part in our last online meeting a place to provide feedback on what has been discussed in it, before any decisions are finalized. Any feedback here will be reviewed at the start of next week’s meeting, after which this thread will be archived and replaced with a new thread for that meeting.

Meeting Summary

Roth Roryn: Interior & Exterior Implementation

  1. What changes need to be made to bring the exterior of this region up to date?
    1. What assets that we currently have should get used?
    2. What existing assets need to be modified?
    3. What new assets (models/textures) need to be made?
    4. What CS work needs to be done?
  2. What sort of interiors would this region have (caves, tombs, etc), and in what proportions?
  3. How many of each type of interior are needed?
  4. Guidelines for the appearances of the interior (tileset, assets to use/avoid)?
  5. Brainstorm/start a thread on the forums for “blurbs” for the interiors


  1. What changes need to be made to bring the exterior of this region up to date?

    1. What assets that we currently have should get used?

Our new cliff assets.

  1. What existing assets need to be modified?


  1. What new assets (models/textures) need to be made?

Any new fauna would be welcome, as always, though it doesn’t necessarily need to be local to Roth-roryn. Grasshoper-like Nix-hound variants, for instance.

  1. What CS work needs to be done?

The overall appearance of Roth-roryn is fine as it is. Any changes or improvements made to it can be done gradually.

Old cliff models and massive rock piles to be replaced by improved cliff models where necessary or otherwise cleared up a little. (ie. do more with landscape textures as opposed to just mashing together scaled up rock assets).

If there is new flora or ground textures that would work for Roth-roryn, (from Aanthirin or Clambering Moor, for instance), consider replacing some of the current vanilla flora with it.

  1. What sort of interiors would this region have (caves, tombs, etc), and in what proportions?
    Background Info: http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/old_forum/viewtopic.php?t=24936
    Lots of natural caves with creatures, bandits (especially near roads), recluses and strange things. Secluded Ancestral Tombs of House Redoran (west of the Pryai) and House Indoril (east of the Pryai). It should have OM ruins (two chapels, perhaps some temples, shrines or burials), but those need better tileset/an expanded tileset, so they should be ignored for now. Some Ashlander outlaw camps (no yurts, exterior camps and bonfires only). Mines should be mostly Kwama, one Imperial Iron Mine (see below), gold rare at best, but only deep in caves, a few natural iron deposits. There should be more Velothi towers, with most of them peaceful (either in proper settlements or hermit-scholars). The rest could be filled with rats, Daedra left behind by former inhabitants, bandits, or others.
    No Ashlander burials, Imperial ruins, grottos.
    No additional Dwemer ruins, Daedric ruins.

  2. How many of each type of interior are needed?

  3. Guidelines for the appearances of the interior (tileset, assets to use/avoid)?

  4. Brainstorm/start a thread on the forums for “blurbs” for the interiors


Additional Notes

Quest idea: an Indoril Ancestral Tomb has been taken over by bandits and needs an adventurer to clean it, without causing a political incident. Thus, the adventurer should be a member of House Indoril, just not ranked very high. The particular Hlaalu involved have no actual interest in the area or the tomb and neglect their duty of keeping bandits out of the tombs.

A “hippie” camp, by young Hlaalu nobles who want to go back to nature, while the nearby Ashlanders are disgruntled with all the attention this causes to be sent their way (and the “noble savages” the Hlaalu youth are striving to be). The quest could be started by the parents of one the nobles worrying about their offspring and could start as a typical “kidnapping” quest.

Cult of Meridia quest for the Hlaalu House questline: a cell of Meridian cultists demand that Hlaalu quit creating and relying on their undead ancestors. It should showcase the Hlaalu reacting to outlanders asking them to assimilate a little bit too much (going even further than Imperial culture).

The cult of Meridia in Morrowind is a terrorist organisation. Her central ethos, the hatred against any and all undead, is directly contrary to a central part of Dunmer culture. Cells of Meridian cultists (tiny groups or individuals) are off doing anti-undead activities like “cleaning” ancestral tombs or “properly” burying the dead to prevent them from being raised. A particular high-level individual could be, convinced that the Tribunal is merely a group of powerful liches, involved in a top-level quest for the Temple or the Indoril as they are preparing an assassination attempt.

Arkay quests (low level, not in Roth-Roryn): A Imperial Cult quest in which the Cult has you whine at Temple priests to stop raising the dead to guard tombs and power the ghostgate, and the priests in question are incredibly unimpressed. Another in which iconoclastic western crusaders have arrived in Morrowind and are gung-ho about spreading Arkayan goodness in this savage land, greatly embarrassing the Empire and the Cult.

The Imperial Iron Mine is already in the game, but the interior should be reused for another mine and this one replaced with a failed Hlaalu venture from just after the Armistice. Before its failure was obvious, it was quickly sold to an impromptu Orc clan made up of Imperial legion veterans. Their dreams to set up a mining colony for the glory of Orsinium died when the mine went bankrupt despite them working it themselves instead of paying for workers or slaves. Due to unfortunate circumstances, the Orcs contracted vampirism (maybe by pact with Malacath)and stayed put where they were, forgotten by the Hlaalu. The mine has an actual small settlement with prison cells for cattle and hotel rooms for the vampires just hidden off the actual mining shafts.