Added to asset browser -10Kaziem
I think my old thread is gone so I created this to share some things now and then.
- First thing are fixed versions of the Narsis Balconies. I don’t know if those have already been fixed in a recent TR_Data, but the old ones I had for Lyithdonea were pretty awful now that I looked at them closely today. So I gave them proper collision, combined NiTriShapes, combined materials, removed hundreds of duplicate vertices, fixed errors in the models themselves, fixed the UV… I think that’s it. Overall, this reduced the file sizes to 25-50% of what they were before.
2015-08-10 20:50
2 weeks 3 days ago
Yeah, that’s a pretty big improvement. Our version of that balcony is still as wonky as ever.
Edit: your old thread is here.
2016-02-28 18:29
1 month 5 days ago
Clearly I didn’t look hard enough.
Can we close this thread? I’d rather maintain the history of the old if only for my own benefit.edit: wait, is that thread in a different format of the forum or something? An archived version maybe?edit2: I see it is the “old_forum”. Nevermind, I’ll just use this new thread. :)
2015-08-10 20:50
2 weeks 3 days ago
Yeah, I just wanted to clarify that your old thread hasn’t been lost, sorry for not making that clear.