Closed (Merged)

Soluthis Regional Sounds

Regional sounds for Soluthis.

I'm still not sure if the scree sounds are suitable seeing as it's a populated area and any potentially dangerous loose boulders would have been dealt with long ago.
But I guess if they're not used for Soluthis they're suitable for any large cave dungeon or similar area.

As always, more/similar sounds can be made as needed.

Gospel of Saint Veloth (Take 4)

Well, I got a burst of inspiration today so decided to take a stab at my own version of the Gospel of Saint Veloth, which had been attempted three times before.

On the one hand I managed to finish my version, on the other hand its language ended up a good deal more esoteric and impenetrable than I had initially intended. As such, unless its indecipherable nature is judged to work to its benefit, this will probably require a lot of feedback and tweaking.


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