-A residential home somewhere in/around Andothren (doesn't necessarily "require" it to be Andothren and can be moved around if needed). -Two NPCs, a husband and wife. The wife should be an alchemist.
You hear rumors of a man recently returning from the typical dungeon crawling adventures. He seemed tired and beat up, and the locals seem worried for his health as his ruin and cavern exploring has become more and more frequent lately.
A model to switch out the cobbled pillars currently under the high bridge. They are wonky with lightning and caspering on some spots.
Can change some of the geometry if that is needed, but only if it's getting in.
(EDIT)Updated for more angular approach. Not changing this again anytime soon. But if it gets placed in AT and something need to be finetuned let me know.
Staff from Battlespire. I want to put this in Yashasmuz for the shrine trap, and then shift the Daedric Halberd somewhere else in mainland. Staff emits light, and works underwater.