Preface: -The map 4 dialogue placeholders are out of place in some instances (a lot of them), but I made do -this is my attempt at vigilante NPCing an area -One NPC has a greeting that sounds like a quest, because it is. I could develop the quest further but I thought I'd upload it here first, hence the 90% completion.
Attached are two files: 1. an esp containing the full NPCing of Gol Mok with greetings, backgrounds, some rumors/secrets, and a mini quest. 2. my "design document" I wrote out before I implemented anything, which will be posted below:
--A green recruit in Old Ebonheart is confused because he's not sure if he's supposed to be in this Ebonheart, or the one across the channel. Added to OE quest claim
To give credence to my pet theory that Khajiit worship through the expression of dance, martial arts, consumption of moon sugar, singing, and other arts...rather than scripture, prayer, or sermons. It's also implied the Khajiit saying this has stolen from the audience while they were distracted by the dance and half-poem put on.
A miscellaneous quest (no guild affiliation required) that takes place near the Mages Guild in Old Ebonheart. The player hears a sound coming from a well, and after investigating, they find a stranded Bosmer. They have the choice to teach him a Water Breathing spell so he can escape. If they do, he gives them their Ring of Feather. If not, he begs them to tell an associate about him so that they can help him. If they do, the quest ends. If they refuse, he attacks them and inadvertently drowns.
These are the worst meshes in Data and G7's optimisation removed a thousand nodes from each, Have checked only through those present in the CS and world and they seem no stranger for it:
Eulix Festius in Old Ebonheart is looking for a new recipe for his mortar. Could you be the one to hold this scheme together?
When you talk to Eulix Festius he greets you with.
“The name’s Eulix Festius. Hey, I got a favor to ask: mind helping me with an idea I’ve been brewing up for a New Mortar? I’ll make it worth ya’ while.”
This will give you the topic “new mortar” when you click on it it’ll say: