Wanted: Temple faction quests to go into Almas Thirr, to accompany these (http://tamriel-rebuilt.org/claims/speaker-dead-questline-parent-claim) as low level quests. These should have a thematic focus on the Thirr River conflict, and should be kept relatively simple, easy, and restricted to the Aanthirin and the surrounding regions. Also included should be information on the purpose of Almas Thirr in our canon, plus what the bloodstone shrine is.
Not sure what the AJ models are planned for if anything, only a couple are used in the Necrom Argonian war memorial, tried running G7's optimisation on TR flora and while most were ok, much was removed from these. Attached optimised meshes, displayed the same way as the original ones in the CS:
TR_m2_MG_Francine1_MarogTopicFix.ESP Fixes this bug, used journal state 2 (non-existent) given in preceding entry as condition for her line on "Marog" also "letter of apology": added Same Faction condition to initial entry "she better not" > "she'd better not" more formal
Vanilla MW only has cave-to-daedric-ruin transition pieces for the lavacave set. Since there's probably not a very compelling reason for this limitation (and TR has generally cobbled around the problem anyway), we might as well have connectors for the other cave types.
These are just edits to the vanilla in_dae_connect_lcave mesh to change the cavewall texture, haven't touched anything else.
A farmer in the Thirr River Valley area has a prize guar able to dance, do tricks, and even the limited ability to speak. This guar is the talk of the region and has even won the attention of dunmer nobility. Naturally the farmer's first thought was to breed the guar and sell its offspring for a massive profit. Unfortunately the day after mentioning this, the guar disappeared. "Bandits!" he thought, "They've stolen my prize guar! I see it's footprints going to the southwest!" At this point the player arrives and the farmer explains the predicament.