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Vertex-shaded TR_misc_stn_* set

Vertex-shaded edits of the TR_misc_stn_* set.

Modifications of the following meshes in the zip:


tr_misc_stn_platter already has vertex shading and so is not included.

Slave Rising

Not to be confused with a slave UPrising. This is based on the idea that in history, some slaves could work their way out of bondage. It makes sense to transfer this to Morrowind slaves, as we have an example of that in Divyath Fyr’s Argonian slave. (And this also gives Slave 5’s request in the Escaped Slaves quest some weight, having there be a precedent.)

Repair Job

Premise: One of the Dres irrigation systems has broken, and the PC must help repair it.

Details: The questgiver tells the player one of the pumps has broken and they need a replacement gear. The questgiver says a dwemer gear would do the trick until the caravan with replacement parts gets in, but mentions the caravan has been delayed.

The player has two options:
1) Find a dwemer gear, then carry it down to the pump and install it. Finishes the quest.

Old Forum: Summarizing the Fighters Guild


The best summary is given by Rats in this Topic

The Fighters Guild in Morrowind.

Even though the fighters guild has been met with opposition, it has gained a significant foothold in the province. House Hlaalu and Dark Elves who don't mind the Empire see the fighters guild as useful business partner, whereas conservative Dunmer(Indoril for example) are more hostile against the idea of the fighters guild, seeing it as foreign occupation.

The current situation

The fighters guild is faced with collapse, the guild has managed well in the province, but the reasons behind their succes are laid bare. Though officially controlled by the guild leader in Cyrodiil and the Imperial Council, the guild is gradually taken over/influenced by the Camonna Tong.

The guild is split in half: those whom are controlled by the Camonna Tong and those who aren't. These forces will have to collide eventually.

Not only the Tong's corruption is a threat, the current leader of the guild: Grandmaster Joccathe of Bladed-Hymnals, has left the guilds headquarters, in search for medition. She has become more doubtful about the presence of the guild in Morrowind, thinking that, maybe, Morrowind would be better of without the Fighters Guild. Her dwelling on the ancient roots and ethics of the fighters guild, makes her blind to what the Tong's corruption does to the guild.

The player's plot.

The player's role is to uncover the truth behind the corruption and use this gained knowledge as the player sees fit. The player Chooses between two paths and decides for himself which one to take.

Relation to the Thieves Guild.
When choosing one of the options, the choice would lead to a open conflict with the Thieves Guild. Because of this, the player would be required to kill key members of the Thieves Guild, making the Thieves Guild questline incompletable. 



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