Closed (Merged)

In Regards to the Dunmeri Chitin Armor

Transferred from forum posting June 28th, 2016. Edits suggested in original posting have been incorporated. The tagline “Military Historian and Enthusiast” has been removed from the author’s space as this should just be the author’s name; if deemed sufficiently important, this can be re-added in a quasi title page as part of the text.

TITLE: In Regards to the Dunmeri Chitin Armor
AUTHOR: Roiwra

Seven Varieties of Shadow

Transferred from forum posting June 28th, 2016.

TITLE: Seven Varieties of Shadow
AUTHOER: No Loss Red-Hand

By long study have I learned this -

Shadow the first is the shadow direct, hard-cut in day by the Sun, unequivocal.

Shadow the second is the shadow oblique, bent away from its mooring by the application of a dust.


Transferred from forum posting June 28th, 2016. Again, Mage’s Guild was chosen as the faction to reflect the scholarly article aspect, with Argonians as being the race in question. I also had to shorten the title, for what was given is way too long for an ingame item’s name. Alternate suggestions are welcome. The full name can go on the first page of the book as a quasi title page. No suggestions were posted on the original thread, so please critique!

The Origin of the Ash Yam

Transferred from forum posting June 28th, 2016. All edits suggested have been incoporated into final text. Note the Asset Browser labelings are not a mistake: the subject has to do with House Redoran’s customs, but this is written from the point of view of an outlander Altmer.

TITLE: The Origin of the Ash Yam
AUTHOR: Cantur Caelmoryn

The CASE Against Human Edibles

Transferred from the forum posting made by Rot on June 28th, 2016. Minor corrections to spelling and grammar made during transfer; author has not replied to critiques submitted on original thread and these still need to be taken into account.

TITLE: The CASE Against Human Edibles


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