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Rewrite of "House Hlaalu Stronghold Plans"

Now that we have released Dominions of Dust, we seemed to have placed the old book "House Hlaalu Stronghold Plans" from 2005 in the Savrethi Distillery. This is a problematic book for many reasons. I have taken the liberty or rewriting (and re-titling) it, and have provided an esp below (hopefully this is done correctly; I've never submitted an asset before). I even suggest we push this to one of the hotfixes; the book as it stands is rather embarrassing for our mod.

Native Ebony and Heavy Chitin Re-categorisation

We have a shockingly low amount of light armours, with almost no mid tier light armours you can find as regular loot in Morrowind (unless we end up using BM sets in the Velothis.) If you stop the assassins from spawning, there is no light armour for you to loot until you get to the top tier, glass. We have an over representation of top tier medium armours, and low tier light armours.

Narsis Portraits 1 - merged with [PC/TR] Paintings for Abecean Shores / Grasping Fortune / Firemoth Rekindled releases

Many asset for portaits, to be used in Narsis.

Portraits are already done by Feivelyn, but the art needs to be put in frames and packaged as assets for ingame use.

Grab the latest versions of the art from here:

Robe Varients and Hood models (wip)

After posting some images of my latest project shinanigans, involving hooded recolours of a few vanilla robes, I was suggested to provide these assets to TR, so here I am showing my current progress.
the most developed hooded robes are the "Expensive_03" robe variety, with a few early concepts of a few other robes, and still very conceptual "pyromancer" robes, which with work, may or may not be suitable for chameleon 'ghost' NPCS.

The Redguard with a Third Eye

In one of the outlander friendly cities such as Narsis or Kragenmoor there is a redguard standing around wearing a shawl covering his forehead. If the player greets this Redguard he will

claim to have a third eye. If the player asks for proof he will deny them. If the player kills the Redguard and removes the shawl it will reveal that he, infact, did not have a third eye.


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