Closed (Rejected)

Meat on a stick

A lowest-priority asset. Some nondescrepit lumps of roast meat on a stick in the style of the T_Glb_Fauna_FishSlRst0# assets in Tamriel_Data. This would be a container that holds random cooked meat ingredients.

Twister Tree

Non-ingredient flora for the Deshaan, mainly Saltmarshes and the boarders of the Deshaan.

The Twister Tree (name still WIP), is a plant that is perfectly adapted to the Deshaan, growing, twisting, dying, rinse and repeat.

Furstocks: Culture, Characteristics

I just noticed again that we have this awesome looking unused Khajiit book in our data files, so if anyone feels like writing a fitting Khajiit-themed book this could be a great unique book to place in Ebon Tower Interior #10. Perhaps something about the different Khajiit breeds written from a Khajiit perspective? That would go well with texture of the book.

See linked document in comments for full text. Proposed title: The Many Phases of Khajiit


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