A robe that is flowing water. Would need a male and female version of the robe. Normal blue robe but the fabric that is loose is flowing water like Wonshala's dress in battlespire. Restore health and fatigue 1pt constant effect.
Claim for ruined temples of the Marukhati Selective, an ancient cult within the Alessian Order who brought about the Middle Dawn.
In keeping with the aesthetic and cultural inclinations of the Marukhati, their temples are brutalistic and severe, inspired by Yugoslav and Albanian architecture of the Cold War.
Claim for the Bayard (western/Iliac Breton) urban architecture set. This set should include both poor (thatch-roofed) and middle/upper class (shingle-roofed) buildings.
Main inspiration for this set is classic western European medieval half-timbered architecture. This set will be used throughout the Western Rock, but notably in Daggerfall, Camlorn, Glenpoint, Anticlere, and Dwynnen.
Claim for the Boullard (river Breton) urban architecture set. This set should include both poor (thatch-roofed) and middle/upper class (shingle-roofed) buildings.
Main inspirations for this set are Ukrainian and Dutch baroque architecture. This set will be used in towns all along the Bjoulsae, but this is mainly a Wayrest set, since Wayrest is larger than all the other settlements of the Boulland combined.
Ithalin or the "Alit of the Sea" are medium sized carnivorous reptilian predators of the Padomaic Ocean, most commonly a pest around the eastern coast of Morrowind.