
[PC] Chorrol Set

Claim for Chorrol architecture, both urban and rural. Should reflect Colovian Highlands area where majority of settlements are in - one of references that was widely agreed on were Greek monasteries.

The set character is not yet decided, but as the conversation about it is (and will be) going, making the claim sounds like reasonable way to manage it further. I (Toma400) will at one point provide CA for the set where it's agreed that's the character we strive towards.
The image attached is all references people involved suggested, grouped together.

Rihad Rural Interiors

Currently, the Rihad rural/poor set has four exterior shell pieces (T_Rga_SetRihadPoor_X_House_01-04), but only one interior for its fourth variant (T_Rga_SetRihadPoor_I_House_04).

This claim is to address lack of the remaining three. Should be set as critical, as it would allow us to open part of Taso interior development and create section file for the project.

[SS] Altmer Clan Barges

Materials are wood with wicker roofs and perforated wooden windows
The windows would have mandala-like patterns perforated into them; the bigger, nicer one might have cheap stained glass windows
Finial might be brass, and some brass plating on the bow


Concept by Heavenlee

[PC] Anvil Merged Buildings

Claim for some Anvil building shell pieces to allow for better performance and some taller towers for important locations

New version of T_Imp_SetAnv_X_Building_01 that's five stories tall instead of three stories, with one of the Sutch-style decorative domes in the middle (could be useful to have non-dome version as well, and versions of both that are four stories - only if not a big hassle!)

Double-length version of T_Imp_SetAnv_X_Skywalk_01 to cut refcounts where it's doubled up


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