
New canton entrance for Almas Thirr

An edited version of ex_vivec_ent_t_01.nif, made to be placed 320 units down the side of a canton's base

These are needed for Almas Thirr because despite people trying anyway the current assets don't allow for a jank free way to do that (

Redoran Buildings Improvements

  • Improved collision of tr_in_red_building_03 and tr_in_red_building_04 
  • Merged the chimney and improved some UVs of tr_ex_red_building_01 + better collision
  • Scaled up (1.1) tr_ex_red_building_02 + added some loops to make it smoother + some UVs improvements and chimney edits + better collision
  • Reduced size of tr_ex_red_building_03 (.9) + switched red to white marble to make it more distinct from tr_ex_red_building_01 + minor edits + better collision
  • Improved chimney to tr_ex_red_hut_02 + much better "tail" + small edits + better collision
  • Im

Hlaalu wood planks

Wood planks for the Andrethis sawmill.
Small and big stacks as well as individual planks - retextures of T_Imp_Set_Plank_** and T_Imp_Set_Planks_** that look like Hlaalu construction wood.

It might be cool to also have wooden Hlaalu posts without their support, even if not as essential as the planks.


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