Deleted the duplicated bowl and spoon in Dels Famori's House.
Deleted the Injured Alits still around from a since-removed quest, as well as the random spawn in the same location, and instead put down three normal levelled creature alits. Also deleted the two different Injured Alit creatures themselves.
The other members of the Helnim gang have non-TG and TG versions, but Feladir doesn't, so he acts like a TG members even though he shouldn't be. Since he never actually gets out of prison, all I did was remove him from the faction.
Also found a typo in one of the journal entries: "turn himself into the Legion"->"turn himself in to the Legion".
He inexplicably had the rank Bandit, meaning he'd only sell to high-ranking TG members, despite just being a common innkeeper with normal bar inventory. This was at odds with all the non-TG patrons, the fact that he still rented beds to you regardless of faction, and it also meant he freely admitted to be a member of the TG in his Service Refusal despite saying he's never heard of them.
Filters two of Indoril Llaren's greetings and one dialogue line in the "stolen Indoril helm" topic to the Roa Dyr, Hall of Judgement cell, so you can't sequence break the quest.
Found some issues. Lacks descending staircase at entry. Has cobble that limits maneuverability. Rescaled containers. Upwards ascending section beyond Z level of entry door. Sunlight too high.