Did a full optimization pass on all head and hair models (I need better hobbies). Many had a huge number of uncombined shapes or other small errors. Due to the quantity I'm not going to be able to give a detailed list of my changes, but in general: Combined shapes and materials Removed unnecessary NiKeyFrameControllers/empty NiKeyFrameData from models which had it Removed redundant nodes Swapped out alpha blending for alpha testing when possible
A collection of hair models I whipped up, based on modified vanilla/TR hairs. In total there are 4 for argonian women, 3 for argonian men, and 2 for redguard women.
This is a general request for more goblinkin variety, mainly for Marahk-Bazhul, but also for other (mostly western) locations that would have goblinkin. (And naturally also of benefit to PT).
Aside from orcs and goblins, suggested additions are ogres, kobolds and gremlins. Malahk orcs are handled as a separate asset, and more goblin variety is dealt with here.
New hair and head, based on existing textures and meshes, for the Archmatron of Necrom. Base face is the old lady texture on the slightly rounder base mesh. Also includes that base face without jewerly as a generic face that we can use for less gaunt old ladies.
Praying animation for NPCs currently used in InDev SHOTN files. Originally created by Antares, apparently fine to redistribute in Tamriel_Data. The T_D Management Guide doesn't specifically mention NPC animation files, so maybe these should be placed directly in Data Files/Meshes/?
- fixed skull material - edited skull to use texture that goes with the skeleton, using vanila texture has obvious advantages but later making a new texture for the old UV would make a better fit - edited shapes and some bone scale tricks to make it wider but still using vanilla base anim - changed 01 to be more like a regular skeleton and moved the champion level barbarian IDs to 02 and 03 - edited its leveled list T_Mw_Lvl_WeaponsOrcish to give a mace under level 5, I think h2h made it more dangerous before than after level 5
A load of unique TR Dunmer heads that have emeralds on them were using a lazy vanilla-emerald-texture duplicate in the textures/tr/u/ folder (u means unused...).
I've retextured them to use the identical vanilla emerald gem texture.
Although, considering the density of rubies in Morrowind, I wonder if these face ornaments should be rubies instead of emeralds.