Quest Design

From Sanguine, with Love

Moved to the claims browser:

A quest proposal for Hlan Oek, that can probably be reworked for any sufficiently seedy Hlaalu settlement. Still in progress, but I figured I'd post what I have so far to gauge everyone's reaction to the general direction I'm taking. (Because I suspect it might be too complicated / ambitious / insane.)

Generic script: pass time

closed because I forgot about this page and made it here

Proposed/Requires work: a generic script that fades screen and passes X hours, one at a time for compatibility. For instance script T_ScGlobal_PassTime, with a global T_Glob_PassTimeHours set to how many hours before starting the script.
Some examples carrying days and months in attached SkipCharGen.esp. Month 0 being skipped in the examples replicates a vanilla bug, but that should probably be fixed.

My Dear Friend Arven

The details of place, race, etc, can be fudged a bit with this one. Fighter's Guild, Bretons, ruined Velothi tomb in Aanthirin??

The player meets the quest NPC outside of a dungeon. The NPC is an adventurer who woefully relates to the player that he was delving through the dungeon with a friend when they came upon a swarm of <insert monster type here>. His friend and he were separated in the fray, and now he wants the player's help in finding his friend before it's too late and she is killed.

The Rift

The mage involved is researching a set of books that create a rip in the time-space reality when brought together. He wants them to see if he can create his own pocket dimension. The player is asked to help find the books, which are scattered around in various dungeons and bookstores (just pick any that already exist).

After retrieving the books, the mage does his experiment; the books and he disappear into an interdimensional rift. Daedra, random objects and animals begin filling up the house as reality starts to collapse.


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