Transferred from forum posting June 30th, 2016. Comments made on original thread have been responded to, but the original draft has not been editted as far as I can tell. Mage’s Guild chosen as the faction as this quest has to do with magic and may be suitable as a quest offered through the Mage’s Guild; some connection may also be made to the Sixth House if the suggested ash statue theme remains.
Transferred from forum posting June 30th, 2016. The original thread title says it is part one of a possible series, but I do not see any work on following quests yet. This quest was revamped after some suggestions by Gnomey, but the revamp has not yet been commented on. Please critique!
Quest Giver: Reigning Imperial Legion Commander in Old Ebonheart
Transferred from forum posting June 30th, 2016. Not all comments on the original thread have been acknowledged or responded to by original designer. This quest also needs a location chosen and a special interior created for it.
Transferred from forum posting, June 29th, 2016. Seems to be in state of completion. I did change the thread title “Where is the horse gone?” to “Where Has the Horse Gone?” as I’m not sure if this is a stylistic thing or not.