Just after using the "elevator" there is a "Rusted Dwemer Cabinet". It has a Dwemer Coin and a rusty cog inside and two coins on top. Picking up either coin crashes the game.
As the title says. Basically, when I grab Anarchy, Drekhva doesn't spawn anywhere. I've tried a multitude of ways to get him to spawn, attempting to start the scripts via console and also using the same to spawn his character, but still didn't work. No idea what the actual issue is. I've linked a file in external references.
In the "Lamp Night" or "Lamplit" quest, the guide suggests talking to Kaishi at the Helnim Mages. I can't find Kaishi either there or in the street.
In the "Taxing the Poor" and "A Sweet Deal" quests, the guide suggests talking to Darnell at the Eastern Watchtower. I can't find him there or in the Eastern Tower. This time I tried PlaceAtPC and it didn't recognise "Darnell".
Samsi Adranibaal, a Pawnbroker in Almas Thirr, cannot be bartered with as she lacks the option. She also wanders around the store making it very easy to steal everything on and around the table she's supposed to be standing near.
During the Andothren Regained Thieves Guild quest, when speaking to Llaros Sadas, when I ask him about the massacre at the Dusky Alit, he asks if I want him to break the code of silence. When I ask him about the code of silence, he just says that he follows the Temple's creed now. I had asked him about that before asking about the massacre, but reloading and asking about the massacre first didn't change this. I've asked him every topic available and he won't reveal who the boss of the Tong is, and I don't get any journal update.
Object named t_imp_setharbor_galleonin_decks lets you walk through it. exterior pillar of the ship unaffected. Unkown if other ships could be affected by this bug.