
Old Imperial Kitchen books should be swapped for the new version

As title says - T_Bk_ImperialKitchenTR_V1 and T_Bk_ImperialKitchenTR_V2 were deprecated and replaced with T_Bk_ImperialKitchenPC_V1 and T_Bk_ImperialKitchenPC_V2.

All of the placements in Mainland should be swapped out. Unfortunately the mesh that the PC version uses is much smaller than what the TR version had, so the bugfix will need to be done by an interior dev since some placements can't be simply replaced and F-dropped.

Leveled critters in low-level places

I remember there was supposed to be a difficulty gradient from the north to the southwest in the DoD regions. If this is still the plan (and I'm very much for it), then leveled lists like T_Mw_RLvl_RothRoryn+2 (with kagoutis and feral guars) should not be used in Teyn (-4, -14) or near Andothren (-1, -17), but rather a fair bit further south (or in places sufficiently hidden that they won't aggro the passing player, but I think those only exist further south). For Teyn, I consider this a definite bug (the one near Andothren can at least be avoided).

A few dialogue bugs

Record: INFO "4499147311824411631" (Topic:dreams of a flood) Flags:0x0000 ()
ONAM: Actor:TR_m4_Hemmette_Fauler
NAME: Response:
Hmm... recurring dreams you say? This does'nt sound like a supernatural affliction to me, but more like something that can be solved with the right potion! A sleeping draught, for example. I have one available for purchase, should you be interested.

Yenidan is an empty cave

The cave of "Yenidan", north of Helnim is empty except for a single hostile orc and some bloatspore. The orc "TR_m2_O_Garstal gro-Azg" doesn't appear to be related to any quests (a text search returned nothing).

The cave itself is mentioned in one line of dialogue for the topic "Assurbalhet" where it's used in directions to elsewhere.

Bthuangthuv, Hall of False Keys: Shei gets stuck in semi-ruined door

TR_m4_AndothDweRuinDoor01 Bthuangthuv, Hall of False Keys -6382 11831 16495 "Shei runs into the wall and stops here"

This is in Shei's first quest. It is not a plotstopper (Shei gets teleported to the destination once the player leaves and enters the cell) but is annoying.

Teyn, Geloise Marard: Bad greetings due to low disposition

Please make sure Geloise Marard has a reasonably high disposition for the player during and after the charade. A "you are repulsive, go away" greeting kind-of breaks immersion here.

TR_m4_geloise marard00000000 Teyn, Geloise Marard's House 64 -96 -252 "She should have a higher disposition to me to avoid some bad greetings when/after she is playing my betrothed"

Sasamsi Egg Mine is weirdly empty

There's some cave trolls scattered throughout, some bloatsport, and some kwama molts. Otherwise it's a large cave full of nothing, especially if you just stumble on it without the related quest.

It does appear to be part of the Hlan Oek Temple questline and there are two extra trolls that are scripted to spawn in after you start escorting Malkur Raran out.


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