
Four more floaters

T_De_SetMH_X_Building_08 Sailen (37,-16) 307912 -128997 17 "wtf floater"

flora_grass_01 Roth Roryn Region (-14,-16) -113455 -126320 1564 "f"

T_Mw_TerrRockRR_RockGrp_02 Roth Roryn Region (-2,-14) -15841 -110540 1750 "c"

T_Mw_TerrRockRR_Rock_04 Roth Roryn Region (-6,-18) -42358 -144198 4681 "ff"

OE MG post Missa Rhyle: confusing duties dialogue

I am a Conjurer and have just finished the OE MG Missa Rhyle quest (Ghost in a Gem). If I ask Arquebald for duties, he still sends me to Valkreia Krex, but she has no "duties" dialogue. What is really happening is that I don't have the requisite rank in the guild.

I think at least one of the two (ideally both) should say so.

Script TR_m3_OE_q_TBrassDwemer: the sword should disable when the player picks it up

This is on a scripted sword ("Dwemer's folly", OE IC quest) that only appears at a certain point in the game. When the player picks it up, two ghosts spawn and a different sword with the same name ends up in the player's inventory. It's only logical that the first sword should be disable. But it doesn't... or rather it does, but then it gets instantly reenabled in the next script run.

If I am not mistaken, this can be solved easily: swap the first two if-blocks ("if ( GetJournalIndex TR_m3_IC_OE_TheftBrass smaller 50 )" and "if ( done == 1 )").

Bthung: add a bit more scrap metal

The Old Ebonheart IC quests requires 5 pieces of scrap metal. In Bthung, one finds only one piece, plus random loot from non-respawning critters. In the ruin near Andothren, 3 pieces plus same. Not good, particularly if the player has sold or used some pieces in alchemy. The closest place with respawning centurions is far away (Leftunch Redoran territory). I would make some of the critters here respawn or put hide more scrap metal around.

Roth Roryn has no life sometimes

Cells with no critters / leveled critters / NPCs: (-15, -18), (-14, -20), (-13, -15), (-11, -19), (-11, -18), (-10, -20), (-9, -19), ...
Cells with only one critter / leveled critter / NPCs: (-15, -20), (-15, -19), (-14, -18), (-12, -20), (-12, -19), (-12, -15), (-11, -16), (-10, -18), (-10, -19), (-9, -21), ...

(I have not looked further east in the CS, but ingame it was the western parts that made the most barren impression on me anyway.)

Varashimmus, Shrine: shouldn't the items on the top level be MG-owned?

The upper level of "Varashimmus, Shrine" is packed with friendlies from the Mages Guild. The items in that part look like they should be theirs, but they don't have ownership. No big deal but could be nice to hand it to them (but make sure it doesn't mess with the quests -- possibly use faction ownership at the appropriate rank?).

A few more placement bugs and typos

This is from the Nov 10 version, but I suspect some of these are still current.
c = caspering, f = floating

T_Mw_TerrRockAT_RockGrp_01 Aanthirin Region (4,-18) 37337 -144586 15 "f away from the water"

flora_kreshweed_0300000000 Aanthirin Region (2,-17) 22969 -135633 465 "f"

T_Mw_TerrRockRR_Rock_05 Roth Roryn Region (-15,-18) -117202 -140338 2362 "c"

T_Mw_TerrRockRR_Rock_03 Roth Roryn Region (-14,-15) -111215 -119814 1938 "f"

Andothren TG: "improve the hideout" options disappear

At the beginning of the Andothren Thieves' Guild questline, after the thieves set up camp in Bthuangthuv, there are several ways to "improve the hideout" through the eponymous topic. After a quest or two, some of them (particularly the one about setting up beds) disappear, whether or not I have done them.


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