Great House Indoril

New Old Mournhold Set - First Batch

An asset request for either an expanded Old Mournhold tileset -- both ruined and non-ruined.

Simply put the Old Mournhold set was not designed for wider use beyond the origonal Old Mournhold dungeon leading to TR's subsquent uses either being very over-designed pieces of kitbashing that clearly stick out next to other dungeons or are just tiny and bland. It has been a long standing desire of many members to see something to rectify this and with the Sundered Scar redo definetly going through I'm putting up a request to that effect now.

Roa Dyr Merge

Merged all architecture in Roa Dyr into 17 pieces. This increased my fps to 30+/-.

If you want to add it to mainland you can delete all the static architecture, including all ropes. My esp is dependend on mainland with the placed objects in there so you can copy the position from it for easy placement.


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