
Waters March Armor

Armor of the Redoran Waters March, which formerly covered the Othreleth Woods and Thirr Valley, but now only governs the Twin Fortresses of Ald Marak and Ald Iuval.

Essential armor for the Coronati Basin part of the Narsis release. Credit to Pickles for the art.

Dreugh man o'war

High level dreugh that can wield spears. Put in Dreugh citadels and in the inner sea/padomaic ocean:

Three creatures are commonly encountered in Vvardenfell's coastal and water environments. The mudcrab, and its larger cousins the king mudcrab and mudcrab titan, are large but unaggressive. Slaughterfish are small but very aggressive, and the larger varieties, the blind slaughterfish and the electric slaughterfish, are quite dangerous. But the most dangerous water creature is the large and powerful dreugh and the dreugh man o'war.


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