
Fort Ancylis Cutter #1

A cutter ship of the Imperial Navy, currently docked at Fort Ancylis. It should follow TEM naming. The ship interior should be very well-stocked with weapons, armor, and supplies. The cutter ints are small, but claimant should try to include a few hammocks if possible, in case the crew is sent on longer voyages.

Fort Ancylis Interior Refit

Claim for refitting Fort Ancylis

Fort Ancylis is an Imperial Legion Fort like Fort Pelagiad, so does not house a proper legion like the Moth Forts do. Elements of the Imperial Navy that escaped the fall of Fort Firemoth have "temporary" quarters in Fort Ancylis in preparation for retaking the installation or defending against further attacks from the lich Gurn.

Roth Roryn Velothi Alcove

A Roth Roryn rock with a velothi style alcove carved in much like the Dwemer alcoves in vanilla + data. Meant to replace the int tile mixing used in Omaynis. The alcove should be able to fit a Dunmer shrine, offerings and a priest. See Omaynis in the Roryn's Bluff section for details. (Doesn't have to match the size of the alcove there perfectly)


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