
[HR427] Breton Iron Weapons

Claim for some Breton-specific iron weapons. Like the Nord iron weapons, this is just to provide local flavor for a handful of culturally important weapon types, which can be used interchangeably with com iron weapons.

Iron weapons that should get T_Bre variants:

  • Dagger
  • Broadsword
  • Mace
  • Staff (call it a Quarterstaff, maybe?)
  • Rapier
  • Morningstar
  • Poleaxe

(For comparison, the Nord iron weapons are spear, seax, throwing axe, and war axe.)

Andrethis 44 - Camonna Tong Noble Manor

TR_Andrethis_44 - Camonna Tong Noble Manor
Manor of a Dunmer noble who’s a full member of the Camonna Tong. Powerful, but not the ranking member in Andrethis. Clutter lavishly and include various items of contraband (IE skooma and moonsugar). Include a large master bedroom and dining room, should also have slave quarters, quarters for a group of CT Guard and a small vault in the basement levels.
Furniture: de_r
Shell: T_De_SetHla_X_Building_15

Andrethis 43 - Cheynoslin Manor

TR_Andrethis_43 - Cheynoslin Manor
Manor of Councilor Rhetixia Cheynoslin, a Nibenese on the Hlaalu Grand Council. Include a dining hall, 2 private bedrooms, a guest room, kitchen, servant’s quarters, and a proper vault. Feel free to dig fairly deep and out towards the north for basement space.
Decorated rather opulently, but instead of using ebonyware, use silver and gold tableware with a variety of Nibenese/Cyrodilic baubles.
Furniture: de_r
Shell: T_De_SetHla_X_Ando_B_03


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